Tag Archives: indofoods

#863: Indomie Mi Keriting Goreng Spesial (Special Fried Curly Noodles)

Here’s something special! This is the version of the special fried curly noodles that they get in Indonesia! What’s funny is that it looks like the date on the front is today! The special fried curly noodles we get here in the US from Indomie tops my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list. Let’s give these a try.

Here’s the back of the packaging. Click to enlarge.

Otis the Pug looks on.

Then he ponders the Star Trek episode we watched  last night in which Mr. Spock says ‘logic is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad.’

The noodle block.

On the left are the dehydrated veggies and on the right is the seasoning powder.

From the back of the packaging, I think the round slices are pieces of chicken ball.

Here’s the seasoning powder.


The liquid packets: seasoned oil, chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Here’s the seasoned oil…

Here’s the sweet soy sauce and chili sauce.

Finished. Added onion, Fresno chili peppers, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), two fried eggs with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles and broad and flat – deiniftely different than the usual Indomie noodles. The flavor is spicy and sweet and wonderful. This is much like the one we get here, but with a little nicer veggies. Perfect. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. I have heard that they may be getting rid of the Special Curly or the Special Grilled Chicken flavors soon. hope not! UPC bar code 089686040647 – the one I reviewed here was sent to me special by Indomie from Jakarta, Indonesia. You can get the export version, thought it is tough to find – here.

Hey you Luxembourgers! Indomie’s coming your way soon!

So Nigeria’s film industry (Nollywood), makes a lot of films and here’s a trailer for one of them. A lot of yelling and bits of english in there.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia

#723: Indomie Mi Goreng Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Noodles

Hey – haven’t I reviewed this before? Nope! This is the regular sized package – Michael C. from Eastland Foods sent me this one – thanks! Like I’ve always said, I try to review everything I can get my hands on – this is the regular sized package and not the Jumbo package that’s in the Top Ten list. Some might find this a little silly, but not I! Besides; I love eating this stuff. So with that, let’s try out the non-Jumbo version of Indomie’s Mi Goreng BBQ Chicken!

Here’s the back of the package. If you decide to try some of this kind of noodle, this is your best friend. These aren’t cooked like a noodle soup! These are soupless noodles – you drain the water off from the noodles and then stir the ingredients in to them.

Here’s the noodle block.

The amazing thing about this one is the five different seasoning packets that are involved! Here are the dry ones – the seasoning powder and fried onions.

Here’s the seasoning powder.

Here’s the fried onions. I put them on top of everything at the very end.

Here are the remaining three packets – from left to right – seasoned oil, chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Here’s the seasoned oil.

I ran out of the little sake cups I use to show the seasoning in with this one! This is the chili sauce and the thick, sweet soy sauce together.

Finished. While the noodles boiled, I added some stir-fry veggies and some roast beef lunch meat I had scissored up. I also fried an egg in a star-shaped cookie cutter, added a little Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce to each of the star’s points, a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger) in the middle, and gave it a nice dash of Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt. So this stuff is good. The noodles are firm but not overly so and everything coats the noodles with this amazing flavor. I can only describe it as pure awesomeness. This stuff is way up there and my favorites list (honestly, if the pack had a little more, it’d be the Jumbo version and be #2 on my Top Ten list). Amazing. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686171907 – get it here.

Indomie Commercial

Indonesian street noodle vender!


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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia

#715 Indomie Mi Goreng Rendang (Indonesian Import)

I couldn’t wait for Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie week to try this. It’s a nice day here in the low 70’s and this said ‘eat me,’ so I will. This was one of the ones sent to me by Susienta S. of Indofoods CBR in Jakarta, Indonesia! Thanks again – and let’s give this one a try! Hey wait a minute – maybe we should research this a little first. So. what I’ve heard is that Rendang is a spicy beef curry. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Rendang:

Rendang is a spicy meat dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia,[1] and is now commonly served across the country.[2] One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests.[3] Also popular in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the southern Philippines and southern Thailand, rendang is traditionally prepared by the Indonesian community during festive occasions. Culinary expert often describe rendang as: ‘West Sumatra caramelized beef curry’.[4] Though rendang[5] is sometimes described as being like a curry, and the name is sometimes applied to curried meat dishes in Malaysia, authentic rendang is nothing like a curry.[1] In 2011 an online poll by 35,000 people held by CNN International chose Rendang as the number one dish of their ‘World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods’ list.[6]

Here’s the linkto the whole Wikipedia entry. I think I should also mention something some Indonesian folks have mentioned in comments on here. They have something they call

InTerNet (Indomie Telur Kornet). Here’s a link to make it – I think you’ll agree it sounds good!

Here’s the back of the packaging. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Indonesian instant noodles, a lot of them are prepared differently – like this one. It pays to read the instructions on every pack of instant noodles you try – especially if they’re from different cultures! Cooking this up like a soup could be disastrous!

Here’s the noodle block!

Here’s the dual packet of dry seasonings. The ‘bumbu’ on the left is the dry base and the ‘cabe’ on the right is chili powder. I would love to know – does that little guy on the chili label have a name? Anyone know anything about him? Please post a comment!

Here’s the powdered seasoning.

This chili powder is pretty serious stuff!

Now we have our wet ingredients. Seasoned oil on the left and sweet soy sauce on the right.

Seasoned oil.

Sweet soy sauce.

Finished. Okay so I took some artistic liberties on this one. Added a little roast beef and stir-fry vegetables while boiling the noodles. I used a star-shaped cookie cutter and fried two eggs using it.  Fried a piece of roast beef and laid it on top. Added a little lettuce. Added some Huy Fong Sriracha hot sauce, Krazy Mixed Up Salt and fried shallots on the eggs. I also dropped some kizami shoga (pickled ginger) in the mix. Wow – this is great stuff! The noodles are chewy enough without being too chewy. The flavor is excellent – like a hot curry beef taste that works so well. I love it. This is one of those times when being the Ramen Rater is the best thing in the world. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars!  I highly recommend this one! UPC bar code 089686910704 – get the USA version here!

Indomie Mi Goreng Rendang commercial from Indonesia!

I’ll be reviewing these as well sooner or later!



Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

Big Donation: Indofood CBP – Indomie!

I got an email that a package was sent to me from Indomie CBP in Jakarta, Indonesia on the 16th! Well, it arrived on the 21st! Five days from Jakarta – that was impressive!

They were worried that even though they included all the proper paperwork that the samples might not make it past US Customs authorities – looks like it did!

Thinly sliced paper! Great packing!

Oh wow – 19 different local Indonesian varieties of Indomie – 3 of each of them. Oh wow! Going to be doing a Meet The Manufacturer with them soon as well and you can bet I’ll be checking these out with glee! Thanks go to Susienta at Indomie in Jakarta for this amazing shipment! I think I say on behalf of the readers of the site that are from Indonesia, you’ve done an awesome thing! Thank you!


Filed under * News, Indomie, Indonesia

#685: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Sop Buntut Khas Jakarta (Oxtail Soup Flavor)

Another of the half dozen amazing Indomie varieties sent to me by Edin N. of Vancouver, BC! Thanks again! This one’s oxtail soup. Let’s begin.

Here’s the noodle block. Last time with the spicy coconut shrimp soup, the noodles were wide. These look like the noodles I’m used to from Indomie.

Powder seasoning and chili powder.

Here’s the powdered seasoning – has a pleasant odor to it.

Seasoned oil packet.

Very strong onion scent coming from this one.

Fried onions are awesome!

This are added right at the end as a garnish.


Finished. Didn’t add anything. Starting with the noodles, they’re your standard instant. They’re not amazing, but not bad. Now for what I imagine here is the spotlight, the broth: As I’ve never had oxtail soup before, I couldn’t say whether this tastes like it or not. The broth reminds me of a meat broth with a bit of the fried onion going on. It has a slightly greasy texture from the oil but not overly so; kind of what you might imagine from a thin beef stew broth. It’s not bad but not wonderful. This is a tough one to rate; I’m giving it 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. It’s a hair above the mid-line. The flavor is interesting but not wow-ing me like other varieties of Indomie have in the past. UPC barcode 089686011258.

Can anyone tell me about the edge of the fried egg towards the end? How is this done and what is the device that does this called?

I’m fascinated – this looks really good!




Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other