Tag Archives: instant porridge

#831: Vifon Instant Porridge Chicken Flavour

I don’t usually review these but I saw this one and I thought it looked kind of interesting. Basically, take instant rice and shred it up and then use instant noodle packets and steep it for a few minutes. Basically it’s like rice noodle mush!

The back of the package.

Here are some of the little bits this bag is full of.

The chicken flavored seasoning.

Veggie packet. I noticed at the end there was also an oil packet – oops!

Andy ate the 7-11 Shoyu I reviews in #830 earlier! Check out his blog! Andy’s LEGO Stuff!

Finished. So this is interesting stuff. Kind of like a mushy rice soup with bits of veggies and chicken flavor. Kind of lumpy too – but it works! Not bad! 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934561030003 – get it here.

Vifon TV commercial.

A mix of interviews and commercials.



Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Vi Fon, Vietnam