Tag Archives: instant rice noodles

Meet The Manufacturer Re-Review: Tat Hui’s KOKA Tom Yum Flavour Instant Rice Noodles

Here’s another of KOKA’s varieties – this time in a bowl and with rice noodles. Notice in the directions that it specifies how much water to add – that’s pretty awesome.

Here’s the side panel information.

A seasoning powder and liquid packet.

The garnish packet – this time, the contents are steeped with the noodles.

Here’s everything in the bowl awaiting two cups of boiling water.

Finished. Added a scrambled egg with some Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce on top. The rice noodles are the kind I like – wide, thin and very light. The broth is interesting – very lemony and spicy but has a bit more shrimp or seafood taste that I like. The garnish had little shrimps in it that were good too. ASll in all, a decent Tom Yum bowl – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 639192721648 – get it here!

A band called The Slurps playing a song called KOKA Noodles.

KOKA TV commercial

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Koka, Seafood, Singapore, Tat Hui

#670: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Chicken Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

Definitely one that’s been sitting at the bottom of the noodle hamper for a while – it’s barely expired – not worried. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s everything you could possibly want to know.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, powder seasoning, chili powder and veggies.

Here we are! Time for boiling water.

Since the bowl was banged up, I figured I ought to put it in a real bowl. Added an egg with some salt and pepper. The noodles are my favorite kind of rice noodles; they’re not chewy and not like angel hair – they’re nice and soft and tasty! The broth is very interesting – definitely an artificial chicken flavor. Has some spiciness to it from the chili powder. The Veggies are very abundant, but they don’t really do a lot for me. Pretty nice though – I liked it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934674032113.

How to make pho!

The bus I rode on coming home from work this afternoon.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, Chicken, Saigon Ve Wong, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#474: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp & Crab Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

Something else from Saigon Ve Wong – Shrimp & Crab flavor! I sure found a lot of these down in California at the Dublin 99 Ranch Market. They’re pretty cheap too – I think these were around a dollar. I recently had a request that I include the prices of these noodles on my reviews – and that’s going to be a little tricky… See, when I go noodle hunting, I end up getting as many new kinds as I can and a lot of the time the receipt has a list – and extremely cryptic listings. So I’ll do my best – I can do an ‘around’ pricing kind of deal. So yeah – this was around a buck. Anyways…

Four packets! Sweet! Starting top left going clockwise: veggies, seasoned oil, powder soup base, chili powder.

Everything sitting atop some rice noodles.

Added two fried eggs with a little bit of Cavender’s All-Purpose Greek Seasoning (really awesome stuff – if you haven’t tried it, check it out here). So this was better than I expected – the noodles came out a little more al dente than usual – usually a complaint but it worked here. The broth was very tasty – lots of nice veggies and bits of shrimp. I was very happy with this one – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Vietnamese noodle fondue? Oh wow this looks really cool!

Travel video about Vietnam – looks pretty interesting!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Saigon Ve Wong, Seafood, Vietnam

#431: Unif Tung-I Chinese Onion Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

I’ve reviewed  a ton of the Unif noodles, but it’s been quite a while. Here’s a Unif rice noodle – Chinese onion.

Two packets – powdered seasoning and seasoned oil.

I got a little of the oil on my finger – boy is it pungent stuff! Had an almost putridly strong smell.

So I was expecting these noodles to be a little slimy and clumpy, but they were not. The broth is salty and very onionny. It’s not bad stuff, and worth having again if you are a crazed cultist of the church of onion. Like Funyun stew. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Taiwan, Tung-I, Unif