Tag Archives: japn

#698: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Original Chow Mein Orange Chicken Flavor

Here’s a new flavor of chow mein to check out! Sounds pretty good – I like orange chicken.

Here’s the detail from the package bottom.

Here’s what you see when you take off the plastic wrap.

A decent sized noodle block.

The liquid seasoning.

Guess I should have used the little white sake cup for this one, huh? Well, it’s more of a orange/brown color than black.


Here they are – looks like a decent amount of them too!

Finished. I added some Bird’s Eye Stir Fry vegetables, some oven roasted turkey breast and some Ajishima Kim Chi furikake. The Noodles are pretty good – definitely has a kind of texture and quality I usually would expect from perhaps a frozen dinner – they’re pretty good! The flavor is nice – a slightly spicy orange chicken. The veggies are really good – all over and of good quality. This is a nice one! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 07066208728 – get it here.

Nissin Chow Mein commercial.

Funny Nissin Japan commerciall.


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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chikara, Japan, Nissin, USA