Tag Archives: kailo

#770: Kailo Brand Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Carter B. – he bought it in Mali but it originally comes from Hong Kong. Chicken time!

The instructions remind me of the ones on the back of the Fuku packs – 3 ways of eating. I like the ‘snack for all time’ reference.

The noodle block – very tight and thin noodles.

Seasoning powder.

Mmm – chickenny!

Seasoned oil.

Pretty thin looking stuff.

Finished. Added a couple of fried eggs, some veggies, some Krazy Mixed Salt, Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and a couple dashes of Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce. The noodles are pretty good – a little less firm than I’d like. The broth has a ‘real chicken broth’ taste which doesn’t seem completely real. Not too bad though – 3.5 out of 5.0 starsUPC bar code 3379140106987 .

Places in Hong Kong where ‘Enter The Dragon’ was filmed – really cool!

News clip about Mali


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Kailo Brand

#487: Kailo Brand Big Bowl Noodle Instant Noodle Artificial Chicken Flavour

Here’s a new brand – Kailo! This is a big bowl of noodles too – and what an odd image on the front. But hey, how can chicken be fouled (it’s already been fowled HAHAHAHAHA – bad I know but I’m full of noodles now) it’s such a basic flavor.  So here we go! UPDATE – This stuff is actually ABALONE CHICKEN – that explains a lot.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, powder soup base, veggies.

What surprises me here is how much water this thing wants… I guess we shall see what happens…

Added two eggs (fried). Wow – this one ended up with a lot of noodles – a LOT of noodles! The noodles aren’t bad; a little mushy I spose but not bad. The veggies are interesting; not bad but taste a little odd. The broth is strange; I don’t know how to explain; maybe chickens taste different in Hong Kong but it’s kinda weird. But not bad. It’s different. Yes, different. So for a rating… Hmmm… I think a 2.75 out of 5.0 is about right here. It’s got its pluses and minuses. Get it here.

Couldn’t find a commercial but this looked cool.

Walkthrough of a Japanese 7-11.


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chicken, China, Hong Kong, Kailo Brand