Tag Archives: kko

#933: Paldo Kokomen Cup

Hey look! The Kokomen cup! Been waiting to try this one with some leftover Thanksgiving turkey!

The information panels (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block awaits!

The seasoning powder.

The seasoning powder. Spicy jalapeno and chicken yeeouch!

Here’s a little bit of thre veggies and the chicken.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added an egg with French’s French Fried Onions on top, turkey, Cavender’s Greek Seasoning and a little Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are nice and light in this version – very thin and tasty. I have found this style of noodle to be a little lacking before in cups, but I have to say that the noodle in combination with the broth is absolutely delightful. I must say that the Kokomen broth is truly one of my favorites on the market; it’s got that comfort chicken flavor kicked up with jalapeno – delicious! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 648436100712

Angry Kokomen training camp! Can’t wait to get my hands on some of this stuff!

25 things to do in Seoul, Korea

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#823: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor

Finally after a long wait, Kkokkomyun has come to the United States as Kokomen! This is the instant that brought about the whole ‘white broth’ craze in Korea. Here’s an excerpt from my interview with Paldo:

TRR> After a very long wait, Kokomen has just been released in the United States. Could you tell us about Kokomen and how it came into existence and what makes it special?

PALDO> Usually New Ramen comes out from existing similar types. For instance, Jjajang, Jjambbong, Yuk-gye-jang, Cold Noodle, Kissmyon, Nagasaki Jjambbong Etc. But, Kokomen is very unique and prototype of all recipes. Kokomen was introduced through a Cooking Contest and food critics and people were amazed by the taste of it. Paldo took this recipe and developed to a total brand new product to our consumers.

I reviewed the Korean version in the past and now, here’s the US version. I should also mention is nabbed 8th place in my Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time recently!

Here’s the back of the package.

The big noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Lots of tasty powder!

The veggie packet.

Lots of veggie here – a definite plus!

Finished. Added some over baked chicken I made with Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt.  The noodles are plump and plentiful – they have a very nice texture. The broth is awesome – has a strong jalapeno flavor as well as a great chicken taste. The veggies are of a nice quantity and are really quite tasty! These components come together to create an original and extremely tasty noodle soup which I am happy to again give 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – excellent! I recommend it. UPC bar code 648436100682 – get the Korean version here.

The Kkokkomyun commercial – with Lee Kyung-Kyu!

Here’s Lee Kyung-Kyu – I think this might be an interview about Kkokkomyun.


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

The Ramen Rater News: Korea Yakult (Paldo) Will Be Exporting Kkokkomyeon Soon!

I’ve heard now from two seperate sources that this Kkokkomyeon stuff is really popular and is going to be a really big deal when it comes to the USA. Both a seller of instant noodles alluded to it as well as a mention by name by the lady at the Kitty House at 99 Ranch Market (they sell Hello Kitty stuff there).

It has been named the business success of the year in Korea – beating out the iPad 2! Pretty amazing that noodles beat out Steve Jobs’ last hurrah.  Here are some articles about this stuff. Rest assured that as soon as I can get my mitts on some of these noodles, a very in-depth and detailed review will be found here.  Hey look!!! I just looked online and found you can get them off of Amazon – look here and here.


The Korea Times – ‘Kkokkomyeon’ to be exported to 20 nations

Work’n’Play – This Year’s 10 Most Sought Out Brands In Korea

The Chosunilbo – Instant Noodles Voted Business Success of the Year

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Filed under * News, Korea, Nong Shim, Ottogi, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Samyang