Tag Archives: kko kko myun

#829: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Kko Kko Myun King Cup

In the US, it’s Kokomen, in Korea it’s Kko Kko Myun! They also have not only the package variety, but also in a King Cup! Let’s see if it’s as good as the package version.

Side panel details.

The noodle block – not as many as the package verion but they have a very nice color.

Seasoning powder.

Lots of the light color powder.

The veggies are included in the bottom of the cup.

Finished. Added some onion, hard boiled egg  and a little baked chicken with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Noodles are slightly less resilient as those in the regular package – slightly. The broth is excellent – that great jalapeno and chicken flavor hits hard and tasty! The veggies are good too – nice when slurping the soup! Good stuff! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801128510004 – get the package version here.

Kko Kko Myun TV commercial

A nice video about Kko Kko Myun and white broth ramyuns!


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#675: Samyang Nagasaki Jjampong

Here’s the second of the two packs sent to me by Chris H. of Westport, CT – thanks again! So this is the other extremely popular variety out of Korea, Samyang’s Nagasaki Jjampong. I read that ‘white broth’ instant noodles are all the rage there – none are for sale in the Asian grocery stores I frequent and the ones Chris sent are from Korea. Anyways, let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the package. I decided that adding 550mL water and cooking for three minutes would do the trick.

The noodle block in this one’s round.

Powder seasoning packet.

Amazing – it smells and tastes like Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos! It’s pretty tasty!

The veggie packet.

I smell fish and see some seaweed. Curious as to how this will come out.

Finished. First, the noodles. Wide and chewy – like an instant udon. The broth is spicy and has a nice heartiness to it. The little veggies are good too – not exactly sure of everything in the packet but it has a meat-like texture; maybe fish? Not sure. All in all, this is excellent. 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! UPC number 8801073110472 – get it here.

Samyang Nagasaki Jjampong commercial.

How to make Korean Jjampong!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Samyang, Seafood

#674: Paldo (Korea Yakult) Kko Kko Myun

Here’s something extra special, sent by Chris H. of Westport, CT. This is the extremely popular Kko Kko Myun. What I know is that this is made using chicken broth instead of spicy red peppers. It is based on a recipe created by Korean comedian Lee Kyung-kyu. It has an unusual white broth – everything for the most part coming out of Korea has that bright red chili-infused broth. In the first five months of this stuff being released in Korea, they sold 100 million packs! Very popular! So here we go with a review – this is from Korea and not a regular export so the packaging doesn’t have all of its info, but hopefully you can glean info from the nutrition facts, etc off of the label.

There’s a picture of Lee Kyung-kyu on the back. If anyone could translate all of this, I’d be happy to include it!

The noodle block! Big and solid.

Within is contained the chicken broth based powder seasoning – I’m very curious!

Oh wow – I didn’t expect this. So yesterday, my wife had to go to the hospital and I had a lot of time to spend in the lobby waiting for her to come out safe and sound. Well, I got some snacks – one being a bag of Munchies – Jalapeno flavor. Well, the munchies have various snacks all put together like a mix, one of them being Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos. Guess what? This stuff smells exactly the same. I tasted a tiny speck of it and sure enough – exactly the same! This isn’t a negative by any means; I like Jalapeno Cheetos quite a bit! Just a bit of a surprise.

Here’s the vegetable packet.

A decent amount of veggies in there – looks like a nice amount of green onions too – which I like very much.

Here’s the finished product in it’s unmodified state. First, the noodles – standard and of very good quality for Paldo’s products. The broth: light in color and spicy – Jalapeno spicy! It works very well and is very different from anything Korean that I’ve ever had. The veggies are perfect for the dish and of a good quality. I like this a lot and I can see why those in Korea are going crazy over it. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – excellent quality and flavor. UPC barcode 8801128509770 – get it here!

Kko Kko Myun TV commercial!

Lee Kyung-Kyu wins Daesang Award


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult