Tag Archives: laver

#791: Acecook Super Big Ramen Tonkotsu Flavor Japanese Style Instant Noodle

Here’s one I got a while ago at Uwajimaya in Seattle. It’s big, Japanese and tonkotsu flavor – sounds much better than the last one I had!

Here’s the side panel stuff – click to enlarge.

The noodle block. Looks really nice, I think.

Only one seasoning packet, but it’s really big.

I put most of the packet in this little sake cup – it would not all fit.

Finished. Added some veggies, some chicken lunch meat, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), a hard-boiled egg marinated in Kikkoman soy sauce, some Ajishima Kimchi furikake, some Sushinori (seaweed) and finally a couple shakes of Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce. The noodles: not bad – a nice texture and quality to them. The broth however is way too salty for me – so much so I couldn’t handle it. I was really shocked at that but oh well. Bummed. 1.0 out of 5.0 – the noodles were good, at least. UPC bar code 074410396718 – get it here.

I bet this stuff is really really good!

Mr. Noodles and a meat tenderizer. This is bizarre.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 0-1.0, Japan, Pork, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#662: Daikoku Shokuh Kitsune Udon

Here’s another Japanese bowl I got at Uwajimaya. The one yesterday was so good, I thought a kitsune udon bowl would be nice today.

Here’s the little sticker on the bottom of the bowl.

One single seasoning packet – pretty common with the Japanese bowls I’ve tried as of late.

Here’s everything awaiting the water. Fried tofu!!!

Finished. I added a fried egg with a dash or two of pepper, some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), some Ajishima Kimchi Furikake, some fried shallot and a little bok choy and sushinori (seaweed). The noodle were broad and full of flavor from the broth. Not very chewy but not soggy or spongy. The broth is sweet and salty and quite enjoyable. The udon is nice and sweet as well and delicious. Everything is quite nice here. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPc barcode 4904511604046 .

Here’s a Cooking With Dog where they make Omurice. Omurice is well known amnong ramen junkies as it appears notably in the film Tampopo.

Here’s the scene from Tampopo.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Daikoku, Japan, Other

#286: Myojo Hyoubanya No Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles Oriental Flavor

So here’s a nice box of Myojo yakisoba aching to be eaten.

Nice design – fill the water, let it sit, pull off the drain, pour out the water. Pretty easy.

Clockwise from top left: seasoned oil, dry seasoning, garnish and dried vegetables.

The dried vegetables are ample – but all they are is cabbage. Not that I’m really complaining as I’m a friend to cabbage.

So boiling water, sit and drained. Here are the noodles with the remaining packets awaiting a stir. The dark one is the garnish – dried bonito powder, red pickled ginger and green laver – ah, green laver…

So here is the finished product. The noodles are decent. The cabbage is ample for sure. The flavor is interesting – the oil and the powder are somewhat subdued by the garnish – which was really decent. I liked it a whole lot and am giving this one 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

So found another Myojo commercial – surprised they’re so far and few between with how popular they are.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Myojo, Other