Tag Archives: lemongrass

#596: Thai Kitchen Lemongrass & Chili Instant Rice Noodle Soup

Yeah, I know – two ramens in one day? But these be small. Anyways, I wanted to see if switching back to a different camera worked better. I’m still unsure… Anyways – lemongrass and chili eh? Okay let’s do this.

Here’s the back panel…

Chili oil and powder seasoning.

Awaiting the noodles and water.

Added an egg. Well, much like the last review, the stuff sucked up most all of the water. The difference this time hoewver is that its funky. The pungent lemongrass flavor overwhelms; felt like I was eating a bowl of tartar sauce. Really disappointing. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Haha – bad fish sauce sounds raunchy!

This is the best stuff – sensationalizing th Internet for the folks who have no clue…

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Other, Thai Kitchen, Thailand, USA

#471: Koyo Lemongrass Ginger Ramen Made With Organic Noodles

The first thing I noticed about this one was that it was expired. I got these at The Market At Anacortes on July 4th or 5th this year. I’m sure they’re still fine but jeez! Lenmongrass ginger… I like ginger that’s for sure. Wondering about lemongrass though – I guess we’ll see…

Single packet of powder.

Yup – powder – nothing much to see here raelly.

Added one egg and cooked it with the noodles. Well, I must say I am rather taken aback by the way these noodles taste. The noodles aren’t bad by themselves – a little chewy. The broth had a lemongrass and slight ginger flavor. The thing is, is that I don’t think anybody checked to see what slapping all these ingredients together would be like in one’s mouth, otherwise known as a facehole. Therefore it is my decree that these are funky and not so good. My wife found them to be nasty and the one word I would call them would be muddy. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars; truly disappointing. Find it here.


Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, China, Koyo, Other, USA