Tag Archives: lih

#603: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Hot Chili Flavor

Here’s another from Michelle L. of New York.  I have a feeling it’s going to be good as well as spicy!

Here’s the back of the packaging…

Two seasoning packets – the liquid one looks scary – very hot possibly! The onle on the right feels to be powdery.

The powder on the left looks a little wet – it’s cos I just took the bowl out of the dishwasher. I gotsta remember to dry them completely before the pictures – my bad.

Whoa – check this stuff out ! Added a couple fried eggs. So it’s interesting. First, the noodles are very nice and plump and tasty. The broth is very thick, greasy and hot as well as a sweet tasting wonderful thing. I am quite surprised to be saying this as I usually abhor really greasy broth – but this works really well. Not a lot of veggie here but what there was was good. Niceness! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!

This is a really neat video of Taiwan.

Good good eat!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, Taiwan, Wei Lih

Re-Review: Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Instant Noodles With Fried Soybeans Paste

So I’ve gotten a couple comments about doing this stuff wrong and sure enough, I made it wrong. So I shall try this again!

So you cook the noodles in 2 cups [400cc] water for a few minutes. Drain them but save the water! So you have one bowl with hot noodles, one bowl with hot water.

Paste packet – for noodles and dry packet for soup!

Dry seasoning!

Paste looks like poop!

So looks a lot different from the original review doesn’t it? So let’s start with the broth… Salty… Light… Almost like matzoh soup broth. Now the noodles… Okay a bit greasy… Chewy… Soy paste lends itself nicely – now back to the soup… And back to the noodles… And back to the soup. I’m seeing a pattern here! Some little hot pepper seeds going on! More soup! Wow this is pretty good! Kind of what I would imagine the Taiwanese equivalent to our mac’n’cheese would be; its so simple to make and it’s a very basic a tasty dish. It’s good! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!

Couldn’t find a Wei Lih commercial… Please let me know if you know where one is I’d love to post it along with this.

Here’s a commercial that was mentioned on the Facebook page! Thanks!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Wei Lih