Tag Archives: lobster soup flavor

#376: Sau Tao Lobster Soup Flavored Thick Instant Noodle King

So here’s another of these Sau Tao’s by Sun Shun Fuk (heh heh) and hopefully it’s some good stuff.

A fork, then from left seasoning powder, seasoned oil and vegetables.

Hey this looks pretty good. Look at the noodles – interesting!

Okay so looking at the ingredients, I’m seeing that these aren’t as bad for you as some others. For example, the whole bowl has 4.3h fat, 15g protein and 7g fiber. Not too bad at all right? Well, there’s a trade off here and that’s flavor. The noodles are really funky – the beef Sau Tao I reviewed recently (#364: Sun Shun Fuk Sau Tao Beef Soup Flavored Hong Kong Style Instant Noodle King) these are the same noodles except broad. The flavor is weird too; while it smells of a buttery seafood aroma, its kind of bland. The soup is greasy; I guess all the fat is in the broth? The veggies were nice though.  2.75 out of 5.0 stars.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Hong Kong, Sau Tao, Seafood, Sun Shun Fuk