Tag Archives: ltd.

#931: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Soya Bean Paste Flavored

Here’s another of these neat trays. This one’s soybean paste flavored. Interesting again how they use upper and lower case all willy-nilly.

Here’s a scan of the bottom of the box (click image to enlarge).

There were two stickers on the bottom of the box (click to enlarge).

Weird – again two little copies of the instructions are inside (click image to enlarge).

An included fork!

Thin, broad noodles – their color is interesting too!

Soybean paste packet!

Has a nice smell – tasty too!


Looks like corn and onions and greenery.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added stir fry veggies, sweet onion, turkey with a little Texas Pete hot sauce and a little Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are good – very enjopyable consistency and lots of them – broad and thin. The flavoring is great – salty and full of flavor – that Chinese spiced taste of anise and ginger is prevalent. The veggies were okay too. I think I like this one almost as much as the minced pork variety – 3.75  out of 5.0 stars !UPC bar code 6920363402225 .

Video of Shenzhen (where these noodles come from)

The Shenzhen Smartphone Market – you must watch this.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Other

#835: Mr. Noodles Shrimp Simulated Flavour Instant Noodles

All good things… Well, these weren’t all that good but they were a lot of fun! Thanks go to Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! They sent a slew of different flavors of Mr. Noodles and they were really my first foray into the world of Canadian instant noodles! Now it is time to give the last pack a try. Here we go!

Back of the package. Something interesting – all the others were imported by Anderson Watts Ltd. of Burnaby B.C. and not Vancouver, B.C.

The noodle block. They’re so crisp and uniform!

The seasoning packet.

The seasoning awaits becoming broth.

Finished. Added a couple scrambled eggs, some Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are funky; they are almost doughy! Weird. The broth has a bit of flavor but not a lot and not a shrimp flavor. I dunno – it’s so fascinating and so meh. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars – fills the belly. UPC bar code 059491000303 .

Mr. UU (double u) – right on

This is a huge hit in Korea right now – Psy – Gangnam Style

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Canada, Mr. Noodles, Seafood

#813: Mr. Noodles Spicy Chicken Simulated Flavour Instant Noodles

Again, I first want to thank Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! You might be wondering why I’m reviewing another Mr. Noodles so soon – I review the Vegetable flavor one yesterday. Well, I received this email yesterday:

Name: philip b
Email: XXXXXXXXXX@hotmail.com
How did you hear about The Ramen Rater?: Web Search
I would like a reply please: Yes
Country: canada

Wow – this guy’s really unhappy. I replied thusly:

Philip –
I am terribly sorry that you don’t find Mr. Noodles Spicy Chicken flavor to be spicy. That being said, I must also point out that I have absolutely no ties to the company that makes these instant noodles – I review a
different instant noodle from around the world every day and today I reviewed Mr. Noodles Vegetable flavor.
I have reviewed over 800 unique varieties and have found this to happen from time to time though; spicy titles but not spicy flavor – or worse, says chicken but tastes like anything BUT chicken.
Well, I have some good news for you.
Tomorrow, I will post your message along with a review of the Mr. Noodles Spicy Chicken flavor I have in my noodle hamper. When I do a review, I make it according to the directions on the packaging and taste the broth and noodles as well as veggies should they occur. Then I ‘doctor them up’ if you will.
I will turn these noodles you say aren’t spicy into an internationally fueled fiery concoction! I’ll be bringing out all the big guns of heat – Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia (Africa too!) and finally, the USA.
Anyways, I hope this at least does something to make you feel better about things – it’s not within my power to get the makers of these noodles to heat up their flavoring sachets… What I have found is that the term
‘spicy’ is really dependent on the market. In fact I was asked by a Thai company the other day if I would rather review their products that they sell in the US or the ones they sell in Thailand. I picked the latter – they’re spicier.

Well, today I keep my word and so we shall have a look at this one from Canada – with some additions.

Back of the package.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Here’s the powder. I gave it a taste and got a nice chicken flavor a a hint of spiciness.

After the noodles and broth were done and reviewed, I started adding things… Here’s some Fresno pepper slices out of the freezer.

They had this Hanasia kimchi on sale at the local 99 Ranch Market recently – good stuff!

Okay let’s go from left to right. First, that’s Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce. It’s a Vietnamese spicy staple – commonly seen at Pho restaurants, it sports a spicy and slightly sweet flavor. Next, my new favorite hot sauce, Dua Belibis. This one hails from Indonesia and I was told it’s great on noodles – and boy is it ever! Another sweet and spicy one. Following that is Texas Pete hot sauce. This is your standard pepper/vinegar/salt/xanthan gum fare. I like it a lot and use it on everything – as you probably guessed, it’s from the US. Next is something I was sent from South Korea – Sunchang Gochujang. It’s a paste made from spicy peppers in a tube! Very spicy and good. From Africa is Amanfopong pepper powder. This stuff is mean and hot – good stuff. Finally from Japan, Ajishima Kimchi furikake. Furikake is a traditional rice condiment – has sesame seeds, salt some dehydrated kimchi – a nice little addition. As a side not, I wish I would’ve been able to add some Canadian spiciness to this one – especially since the noodles were from Canada. If you’re looking for a great maker of Canadian hot sauces, Check out Brooks’ PepperFire’s website here – I reviewed their stuff way back during the Sauce Rater days – good stuff and quite unique!

Finished. In addition to all the sauces and spices above, I also added one fried egg, some Fresno pepper slices and some baked chicken. I sampled it before the onslaught of course. The noodles are weird; crumbly and kind of just not right. The broth has a somewhat enjoyable flavor and only the slightest hint of heat on its own. I wouldn’t call it spicy, maybe ‘spiced’ or ‘spiceish’ but not spicy. The flames on the pack are overstated. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars.After adding everything though, this was a spicy cauldron of noodle goodness! It roared and still is burning good! Hope this helps Phillip with his unspicy noodles! UPC bar code 059491000778 .

This is a must see.

Metal + Spicy Food FTW


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Canada, Chicken, Mr. Noodles

#791: Acecook Super Big Ramen Tonkotsu Flavor Japanese Style Instant Noodle

Here’s one I got a while ago at Uwajimaya in Seattle. It’s big, Japanese and tonkotsu flavor – sounds much better than the last one I had!

Here’s the side panel stuff – click to enlarge.

The noodle block. Looks really nice, I think.

Only one seasoning packet, but it’s really big.

I put most of the packet in this little sake cup – it would not all fit.

Finished. Added some veggies, some chicken lunch meat, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), a hard-boiled egg marinated in Kikkoman soy sauce, some Ajishima Kimchi furikake, some Sushinori (seaweed) and finally a couple shakes of Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce. The noodles: not bad – a nice texture and quality to them. The broth however is way too salty for me – so much so I couldn’t handle it. I was really shocked at that but oh well. Bummed. 1.0 out of 5.0 – the noodles were good, at least. UPC bar code 074410396718 – get it here.

I bet this stuff is really really good!

Mr. Noodles and a meat tenderizer. This is bizarre.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 0-1.0, Japan, Pork, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#674: Paldo (Korea Yakult) Kko Kko Myun

Here’s something extra special, sent by Chris H. of Westport, CT. This is the extremely popular Kko Kko Myun. What I know is that this is made using chicken broth instead of spicy red peppers. It is based on a recipe created by Korean comedian Lee Kyung-kyu. It has an unusual white broth – everything for the most part coming out of Korea has that bright red chili-infused broth. In the first five months of this stuff being released in Korea, they sold 100 million packs! Very popular! So here we go with a review – this is from Korea and not a regular export so the packaging doesn’t have all of its info, but hopefully you can glean info from the nutrition facts, etc off of the label.

There’s a picture of Lee Kyung-kyu on the back. If anyone could translate all of this, I’d be happy to include it!

The noodle block! Big and solid.

Within is contained the chicken broth based powder seasoning – I’m very curious!

Oh wow – I didn’t expect this. So yesterday, my wife had to go to the hospital and I had a lot of time to spend in the lobby waiting for her to come out safe and sound. Well, I got some snacks – one being a bag of Munchies – Jalapeno flavor. Well, the munchies have various snacks all put together like a mix, one of them being Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos. Guess what? This stuff smells exactly the same. I tasted a tiny speck of it and sure enough – exactly the same! This isn’t a negative by any means; I like Jalapeno Cheetos quite a bit! Just a bit of a surprise.

Here’s the vegetable packet.

A decent amount of veggies in there – looks like a nice amount of green onions too – which I like very much.

Here’s the finished product in it’s unmodified state. First, the noodles – standard and of very good quality for Paldo’s products. The broth: light in color and spicy – Jalapeno spicy! It works very well and is very different from anything Korean that I’ve ever had. The veggies are perfect for the dish and of a good quality. I like this a lot and I can see why those in Korea are going crazy over it. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – excellent quality and flavor. UPC barcode 8801128509770 – get it here!

Kko Kko Myun TV commercial!

Lee Kyung-Kyu wins Daesang Award


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult