Tag Archives: mali

#770: Kailo Brand Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Carter B. – he bought it in Mali but it originally comes from Hong Kong. Chicken time!

The instructions remind me of the ones on the back of the Fuku packs – 3 ways of eating. I like the ‘snack for all time’ reference.

The noodle block – very tight and thin noodles.

Seasoning powder.

Mmm – chickenny!

Seasoned oil.

Pretty thin looking stuff.

Finished. Added a couple of fried eggs, some veggies, some Krazy Mixed Salt, Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and a couple dashes of Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce. The noodles are pretty good – a little less firm than I’d like. The broth has a ‘real chicken broth’ taste which doesn’t seem completely real. Not too bad though – 3.5 out of 5.0 starsUPC bar code 3379140106987 .

Places in Hong Kong where ‘Enter The Dragon’ was filmed – really cool!

News clip about Mali


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Kailo Brand

Amazing Donation Of Ramen – From Mali!

I got an email on facebook from a guy named Carter B. a while back – he mentioned he was in Mali and that there were some instant noodles he’d like to bring back and send me. How could I say no to that? I had all but forgotten about the offer when I got a message saying he was back in the states and had some to send!

What amazing things could be in this box???

Whoa – never seen any of these before! I do recognize the Kailo brand from Hong Kong, but not in a pack form. The GauDo are from Vietnam and I’ve never seen them before! The ones I’m most curious about are the ‘Golden Mie’ – they’re products of the United Arab Emirates! Wow, that’s a first!

Thanks again Carter! Some Ramen Rater stickers will be hurtling towards you in the snail mail very shortly!

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