Tag Archives: maru chan

#935: Maruchan Instant Lunch Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables

Instantaneous Lunch? Nope – three minutes. But if you’re too impatient for that, I suppose one could eat it raw. I prefer the cooked version myself!


The information panel from the cardboard outer (click to enlarge).

The iconic cup itself.

So I wrote an article about how one shouldn’t blame the cup when spilling their noodles. Here’s the article and in the image above you can clearly see you’ve been warned – don’t microwave it and watch out for the ninos!

The lid on the cup (click image to enlarge). Notice it tells you to heat water in a seperate container in the microwave – don’t put the whole thing in there.

The noodle block. The seasoning is infused – note the powder on the noodles.

A scant few of the veggies – there were more in the bottom of the cup.

Finished (Click image to enlarge). Added fresh sweet onion, stir-fry veggies, thinly sliced ham, one egg, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Cooked the noodles as specified, sampled, fried everything in a pan. Added Dua Belibis Indonesian chili sauce at the end. The noodles aren’t bad – about what you would expect from a cup of noodles. I’ve had much better, but I’ve had many that don’t come close to this one’s quality. The beef flavoring is pretty good – tasty. The veggies hydrated well; most notably the corn was good. A nice cup of noodles! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 041789001222 – get it here.

Hunting down a small child with some noodles – works every time!

S recipe involving Maruchan Yakisoba noodles


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#930: Maruchan 35% Less Sodium Instant Lunch Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables

After this one, I think I have only four new ones to review! Egad! Hoping the mailman brings some new things to review soon! So here’s a cup of noodles for breakfast…

Here’s the back of the cardboard outer (click image to enlarge).

The iconic cup. I must say I dig on the font and the colors; very 70’s / early 80’s look and feel to it.

A scan of the lid (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block. If you notice, the noodles are bespeckled in a layer of powder – that being the seasoning. There are no packets here – everything is ready to go.

Here are some of the veggies I picked out of the cup.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Drained broth, added stir fry veggies, sweet onion, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), minced garlic, and an egg. Fried in a small skilled for a while and added a pinch of Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake and Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Before this as usual I did the sampling. The noodles were good – nice texture and chew. The broth was lighter than usual, but had a nice beef flavor I enjoyed. The veggies hydrated well. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 041789001727 – get it here.

Absolutely awesome – why don’t any noodle companies give away stuff with their noodles in the USA? I call for an instant noodle rennaisance – marketing blitz and social hipness explosion!

Looks fancy and tasty.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0

#690: Maruchan Yakisoba Savory Soy Sauce Flavor Homestyle Japanese Noodles

Here’s another one from Ramen Place! Thanks! I think this should be a tasty one – let’s see!

Here’s the bottom of the package.

Here’s what you get after you take off the outer plastic.

Here’s what the noodle block looks like. Broad noodles.

The powder packet.

It gets stirred in after the cooking goes down.

Veggies! Quite a bit of them too!

Looking good!

Finished. I added some Bird’s Eye Stir Fry veggies and a little roast turkey breast lunch meat on the  right. Also tossed in a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger) as well as some Ajishima Kim Chi Furikake. I like the noodles – they did really well for being a microwaved meal component. I added about a sixteenth of a cup of extra water and I think that may have been a good idea to avoid dryness. The sauce is excellent – a very mellow soy sauce kind of flavor. The supplied veggies are good – fresh tasting corn and cabbage going on. I really enjoyed this – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 041789007088 – get it here.

Maruchan TV commercial.

Life in a Japanese ramen shop

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#412: Maruchan Midori No Tanuki Instant Soba Bowl

Okay so here’s something completely different for the most part. You’ll possibly remember my review on Maruchan’s Kitsune Udon? Well, this looks the same except its in a bowl whose label has more of a green label. I found the name after a search on Google as all I could read was Oriental Noodles. So something interesting I found was what this stuff’s title translates to – green raccoon! Here’s an except from a page on thisnext.com:

“Tanuki is an animal that closely ressembles a raccoon. When you see ‘tanuki’ on a noodle dish it means it has some fried tempura batter on it (tenkasu). That’s right…just the batter, not actual tempura. Warming and tasty anyway, a great cool weather snack, and a change from instant ramen! “Tan tan tanuki no….” oops Mom might read this..”

Pretty strange! Anyways, it should be about ready to eat so let’s get these picture dealt with…

Some dry seasonings – not exactly sure what’s in them, but its a lot of powder.

So from something I read the noodles are buckwheat. Definitely a bowl with some different things going on isn’t it? Well, Let’s give it a try…

I had absolutely no idea how tasty and enjoyable green raccoon is! Actually, it is a great little bowl of soup. The noodles aren’t very firm, but they’re a little different due to the buckwheat basis. The soup broth kind of has a bit of a miso thing going on I think. The little pizza looking thing turned into some tempura with bits of peas and other stuff going on – maybe some puffed rice too. I liked it – different from what I’m used to! 4.125 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Maruchan, Other