Tag Archives: me

#616: Maggi Thrillin’ Curry 2 Minute Noodles

Here’s one that was at the bottom of the ramen hamper so needed immediate attention today. Curry is one of my favorite flavors! I hope this is good stuff!

Here’s the back of the packaging.

The singl packet of flavoring. Feels full!

A fried noodle block. These noodles look kind of wide gauge.

Smells pretty good – proof is in the finished product. It calls for 225mL of water and then add the block and seasoning. That’s a very small amount of water…

Finished. Well, this isn’t what I was hoping for by any stretch of the imagination, unfortunately. The noodles were squishy and limp. The seasoning seemed a little artificial to me – the curry flavor was strong but had a finish to it I didn’t enjoy much at all. Disappointing. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Maggi TV spot

1983 becomes 1984

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, India, Maggi, Other

#433: Lucky Me! Supreme Bulalo Bone Marrow Flavor Noodle Soup (Cup)

So This one got reviewed at the studios of KIRO 97.3 FM yesterday – here’s a video of me making and trying it.

So this stuff wasn’t bad. It had a nice beefy flavor to it and the noodles weren’t too soggy, although they were a little funky. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Lucky Me!, Philippines

#410: Lucky Me! Instant Bulalo (Bone Marrow Soup) Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

It’s been sitting in my big ramen box for quite a while now and been comtemplating trying this one as of late. Got an email this morning from someone who read the article in the Herald about this site and this stuff was mentioned, so I thought no time like the present. Lucky me!

A couple of packets – powder on the left, strange little clove-like things and veggies on the right.

So this one is a ‘no cook’ variety, however I find that silly since it does cook just like a cup noodle. So you put the noodle block and seasonings in the bowl and add 400cc (about 2 cups) of water. Then you cover it. I’m sorry, but to me, boiling water is cooking; you’re making hot water soup right?

So I covered the bowl with the boiling water in it with the Sons of Champlin album and put a Pepsi 2 liter on top so the album might warp a little and the noodles would get their full coverage.

Ok so here’s the deal. I have a bowl of Lucky Me! noodles a while back – Sotanghon I believe, and they came with ‘free crackers.’ This was a good deal and so I thought I’d try this one with some ‘paid for’ crackers. So there are two crushed and neatly arranged Keebler Club Butter Garlic crackers there. Also in the middle underneath the crackers is a single fried egg – it has a little pepper and a little Jane’s Crazy Mixed Up Salt.

The noodles are very good – they almost remind me of the noodles one would find in Campbell’s Beef Noodle Soup. The broth is nice and tasty. The veggies and little fake meatball thingies are really strange but fun. The whole thing ties togethe to make a tasty meal. I liked this quite a bit. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Sweet – original commercials rock!

This stuff looks really tasty! Easy to cook too.



Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Lucky Me!, Philippines

#383: Lucky Me! Chicken Na Chicken Instant Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor

Wow! I have a feeling this tastes somewhat like… chicken! Chicken na Chicken Chicken flavor! Here we go!

Powder seasoning is on the left whilst the ‘garnish’ is on the right. The garnish appears to be some kind of amalgam of textured protein.

I think there’s some onion in with the mixture on the right  as well.

Added two eggs to the boiling noodles as per my lady’s request. The noodles were a little more bulky than the usual fare you’d find in something like Top Ramen, but kind of the same quality. All in all, it tasted like a very salty chicken noodle soup affair. Not bad, but not amazing. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars.


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chicken, Lucky Me!, Philippines

#382: Lucky Me! N-Rich Instant Noodles with Malanggay (Moringa Oleifera) Tinolang Manok Artificial Chicken Flavor with Ginger

So here’s one of the smaller packs of noodles. This one’s from the Philippines and containes something called Malanggay. Here’s what is said about it on Wikipedia:

In the Philippines, the leaves are widely eaten. Bunches of leaves are available in many markets, priced below many other leaf vegetables. The leaves are most often added to a broth to make a simple and highly nutritious soup. The leaves are also sometimes used as a characteristic ingredient in tinola, a traditional chicken dish consisting of chicken in a broth, Moringa leaves, and either green papaya or another secondary vegetable. The leaves can also be processed with olive oil and salt for a pesto-like pasta sauce that has become popular on the Filipino culinary scene.

Hmmm… Interesting!

One packet.

It might look like there’s a lot here, but it was a reasonable small packet and the powder is just spread out. Also this is some soupy stuff – two cups of water went with the noodle block which was small.

Threw an egg in with the boiling noodles. Okay so this is like chicken ramen with just the lightest hint of ginger. I do like it, but it’s not anything to write home about in my opinion. I’m giving it 2.5 out of 5.0 stars – absolutely average, but tasty.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chicken, Lucky Me!, Philippines