Tag Archives: miso

Meet The Manufacturer #885: Yamachan Miso Ramen Rich Sapporo Miso

So yesterday I tried the mild miso and today I’m hitting up the rich. This one says it’s ‘Sapporo miso’ – curious to see what its like.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

The noodle portions come individually wrapped on a tray.

The miso packets.

Finished. Added some onions, a hard boiled egg with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some baked chicken with Soul Seasoning and Ajishima Kimchi Furikake. The noodles are reaslly good – chewy and fresh. The broth was a surprise. I expected a really really strong miso flavor that would bowl me over. It’s exactly as mentioned on the package – rich. Broth is of a brown and almost milky color. The broth has an extremely nice depth to it and is really good. I was expecting a really salty and almost funky bitter taste which I did not get at all and I am happy about that. Serious depth of flavor – I like it. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – this is excellence.  UPC bar code 767921011200 .

How to do product demos of Yamachan products. Basically, this guy’s a pro at makingh this stuff and so have a look to make sure you’re doing it right!

This is a Japanese cooking show called Dotch. They’re having a challeng: Onion Miso Ramen vs Salt Butter Ramen! I had no idea onion miso ramen was somewhat normal – I just like onions a lot and it sounded good.

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, USA, Yamachan

Meet The Manufacturer #884: Yamachan Miso Ramen – Mild

Here’s another one of the fresh ramen samples from Yamachan. I’ve not been a big fan of miso in the past, but I’m open to this – looks fancy.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Note the dual-pot method.

Here are the fresh noodles.

Here is the soup base.

Finished. Added onion, green bell pepper and broccoli. Also some turkey lunch meat with some Ajishima Kimchi furikake on top. The noodles are impeccable – fresh and tasty! Now I mentioned earlier that I didn’t like the flavor of miso. Well, I’m not going to say that I do now, but this was interesting. It was very salty and had an earthy flavor. I know it’s fermented and it definitely tasted like it. All in all not bad! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 767921019206 .

Here’s a nivdeo of the Yamachan factory!

Here’s a video on what miso is and how its made.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, USA, Yamachan

#754: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Spicy Miso Noodle Soup (USA version)

Okay so I thought this was interesting. Look at the noodle block in this one – very different isn’t it? Well, Let’s give this one a try – this one was made in the USA in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

Here’s the package’s back.

Yeah – a big round block and not a rectangular one.

The seasoning packet.

The powder of spiciness!

Finished. I added an egg, onion, broccoli, snap peas , beef lunch meat and a little Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles are nice – they are a lot like the Shin Ramyun noodles but seem slightly softer. The broth has a strong spicy bite to it and a nice miso flavor. Not bad at all – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 031146157402 – get it here.

Here’s an Ansungtangmyun TV commercial!

Haven’t heard of this before – hand torn noodles!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Korea, Nong Shim, Other, USA

#643: Wei Chuan Instant Noodle Soup Miso Vegetables Flavor

Here’s another pack from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! The last Wei Chuan I tried was tomato flavor and quite good – let’s see how this one is.

I cooked them according to the instant directions (steeping)

Powdered seasoning and veggies on the left and seasoned oil on the right.

Just add 450mL boiling water and cover for a few…

Finished. Added a fried egg with a little pepper and Cavender’s Greek seasoning. The noodles are nice – abundant and fluffy – almost a slight butteriness to them. The veggies are great. The broth was a little interesting; the miso was a little funny tasting but was okay. Not my favorite but not bad ast all. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 072869241313 .

How to make Scotch Eggs

How to get an egg into a bottle


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wei Chuan

#632: Mr. Udon Oriental Udon Noodle Japanese Miso

Mr. Udon, I presume? I was looking in the fridge yesterday putting groceries away. A couple sodas wouldn’t fit – something was blocking them. Two packs of Mr. Udon noodles  that I got early lasrt year. Hmmm… I wondered if they were still good – May 2012 exclaimed the expiration date! So let’s give this stuff a try before it goes bad!

So these came from a store called Big Lots that has tons of stuff for cheap – toys, tools, electronics and even food. I noticed the overlabeling here – pretty obvious it was added because of the lack in the original warning label.

Ah the ubiquitous Mr. Udon fresh noodle pack!

Powder on the left, veg on the right.

Looks interesting…

Finished. Good noodles – chewy and fresh. Broth is very light. Of this bowl I would call it rather bland and missing something. The miso flavor is so faint and inauthentic, too. It’s good stuff, just a little on the weaker side. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8801085067559

Mr. Taco Don Udon

The Double Cheese dollars store in Taiwan

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Kang Brothers, Korea, Mr. Udon, Other, USA