Tag Archives: new

#878: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Lime Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

So here’s the last of the top Ramen Short Cuts varieties that Nissin Foods USA sent me. Thanks again! Lime chili flavor eh? Sounds interesting. Its kind of funny; I got an email from someone at a company called Citrojugo the other day. Citrojugo is a company in Mexico that makes lime juice. I think they saw one of my reviews mentioned ‘jeruk nipis,’ which is ‘lime juice’ in Indonesian. Well, Citrojugo was curious if my company would be interested in it for my products. I told them that I only review products related to instant noodles, but that I could probably try their stuff and work it into a review of another product, such as marinated chicken with their lime juice. Well, they immediately dispatched a liter of clarified preserved lime juice. Serious stuff! I open it up and stuck my nose in the Nalgene containment vessel and got a real nosefull of powerful lime! I’ll be mentioning more about their stuff in upcoming reviews – haven’t marinated chicken with it yet but will be soon and it should be quite amazing!

Here’s the back as well as the side panels (click to enlarge).

It comes in one single bag! The noodles are pre-seasoned and require no packets, allowing you to make as much or as little as you want.

Look at all those noodles! I will say it again, these are really good straight out of the box – trust me.

Finished. Added some baked chicken breast, onions, broccoli and green bell pepper, medium cheddar cheese, a hard boiled egg with Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and some Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce. The noodles come out much like egg noodles – although if you read the ingredients, these are indeed made with wheat noodles – not eggs. They’re soft and oplentiful – and tasty., Not chewy; definitely something made specifically for the US market. The broth is good – a strong lime and chili taste which was enjoyable. All in all quite interesting and works well as a base for a meal like this. Of course, I only review the base product before the extras are added in. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – good stuff! UPC bar code 070662075074 .


Wish Nissin’d give me a call and send me here! Looks so awesome!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Nissin, Other, USA

#809: Nongshim Neoguri Mild (Korea)

Here’s another one that Moo Hee-Wi from Korea sent me. she was the one who wrote the JoongAng Ilbo article about The Ramen Rater last month! Thanks again! So this is what you would find in the Korean superkarket if you wanted to get some Mild Neoguri. A while back I reviewed the US version. Let’s give this one a try!

Something I found interesting is the little raccoon character. As we have seen before in Maruchan’s Midori no Tanuki and the Yamamoto Ponpoko bowls, raccoons have a ‘lucky’ thematic reference. Neoguri translates to raccoon in Korean.

The nice round noodle block.

Seasoning powder.

Lots of it.

The veggie packet.

I found this interesting – compare the contents in the US version to these. Looks like kamaboko here but none in the other one.

Finished. Added some vegetables, an egg, a slice of processed cheese, some fish cakes, kimchi, pepper and gochujang. Good stuff – noodles are nice and thick but not super chewy. Easily broken with pursed lips. The broth is nice too – like it purports to be, the broth is mild and has a rich seafood taste. The veggie packet was mostly seaweed and some kamaboko – I liked the prevalence of the seaweed. The kamaboko was alright but usually I find these to be more for show. A nice bowl of noodles. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801043014946 .

Can someone over in Korea email me the link or an *.apk for this? Would love to have this app!

This guy’s got it made – would love to be able to go for a walk and get some of this stuff on the street!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood

A Kind Donation From The Eastland Food Corporation

Rode the bus home from work. I’ve had a hacking cough lately and was eager to get home. Got off the bus and was hoofing it up the street tgo my apartment when I thought I ought to see if there’s a package at the office. Well, there was.

I got an email last week from a guy named Michael Chen at Eastland Food Corporation.  He mentioned that they were going to be the sole distributor for Indomie on the east coast and would like to send some samples of some noodles. He asked what I would like to review-  he mentioned cups – that really caught my attention. I also asked if they had any marketing/promo stuff as well.

I gave him a call and we chatted about instant noodles for a while.He sent some cards, a couple nice calendars, and a letter:

I think I can do that and quite happily! I think I’ll put a poll in with some of the reviews I do of these; couldn’t hurt. Would be nice to see some info on how people like them too!@

He sent some marketing stuff!
Never seen any of these kind of things…

Mi Gorenbg cups and Mi Goreng Satay cups – oh wow this is awesome – never have I seen these before! Can’t wait to try ’em!

An array of Indomie varieties to re-review!

Wow – thanks to Michael Chen for a nice box of noodle stuff – I (and everyone else) will enjoy reviewing these!


Filed under * News, Indomie, Indonesia

New Year, New Domain: www.theramenrater.com

For awhile now, I’ve known that having the site be The Ramen Rater and having the ‘the’ out of the domain name was a kind of bad idea, I thought I’d fix it by adding wwww.theramenrater.com. So you will be able to go to http://www.ramenrater.com or http://www.theramenrater.com. Like that? No? Yes? Well, okay then.



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Filed under * News

#390: Menraku Japanese Curry “Soba” Bowl

So we went to the brand new Bellevue Washington Uwajimaya a couple days ago and wow – pretty awesome! Got some nice bowl noodles to try – here’s one!

Packet left is powdered seasoning, right is vegetables and tofu.

I think that looks like it’s going to be really good! The curry smells awesome!

Added two fried eggs. Wow – this is great! Kind of tastes like Golden Curry – the stuff you get in the little boxes? The broth is tasty as can be The noodles were a slightly weaker than I expected but not too bad. But the veggies and tofu were excellent – very nice! Giving this 4.0 out of 5.0 stars!

Curry soba in Tokyo – that stuff looks amazingly tasty!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Other