Tag Archives: oil

#944: Wai Wai Brand Oriental Style Instant Noodles (Dry Version)

I reviewed this one years back – in the first 50 reviews. Back then I reviewed it as a soup. Recently, it was brought to my attention that these could be made in a different way – drained. Sure enough, on the back of the package are instructions on how to make them this way. I have deemed this worthy of a new review! Here we go.

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

Here’s the noodle block in all of its pre seasoned glory.

Here’s the dry seasonings. Top, we have chili powder and below the dry seasoning mixture.

Here’s the seasoning mixture topped with the chili powder.

The oil packet.

This one has a strong onion scent – very nice.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a couple fried eggs and some turkey with some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake and Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and stir fry veggies. The noodles are pretty good – chewy and plentiful. The flavoring is very strong – hot, salty and full of flavor. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8850100101105 – get it here.

A really odd Wai Wai commercial.

Another strange Wai Wai ad!

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Thailand, Wai Wai

#890: Unif / Tung-I Mushroom Flavor Ramen Noodles

So today I have two mushroom flavored instant noodles I’ll be doing. First off will be this Unif/Tung-I mushroom pack. What’s interesting about this one is that Unif Tung-I is usually from Taiwan, but this one’s from Vietnam. Anyways, let’s try this one and see how it is.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Notice all of the German on here!

The noodle block.

Dry seasonings.

Powder as well as veggies!

The seasoned oil packet.

Looks interesting.

Finished. Added some baked chicken, yellow onion, green onion, Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles are thin and have an almost buttery taste. The broth has a mushroom taste but its not overwhelming; almost like sauteed mushrooms. Pretty good – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 073217060068 – get it here.

Unif TV commercial – Vietnamese

Early 70’s Vietnamese funky music!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Tung-I, Uni Predeisent, Unif, Vegetable, Vietnam

Our First Experience With Kamaboko & Narutomaki

I’ve seen many times mentions of Kamaboko and Naruto in ramen dishes and looked all over for them. This last Saturday we went to Uwajimaya and I found both! Hah! First, let’s check out Kamaboko. It’s surimi, which comes in many ways – for example, imitation crab is one form of surimi.

Here’s how it comes – on a little piece of wood! You slice it thinly and it can be eaten unheated since it’s steamed previously. It’s slightly rubbery and chewy – kind of like a cold-cut version of calamari. t has a very light flavor.

This is Naruto. There’s a popular anime character with the same name…

If you click on him, you’ll see a little spiral on his forehead…

Hey look – the same little spiral! So it’s like a log of fish that you slice thinly. It is a lot like the Kamaboko except not as chewy and has a more fishy flavor.

Today I had some noodles with my son. He had a bowl of Nissin Dmae Ramen – the sesame oil flavor.

He was very interested in trying the Naruto and Kamaboko! The fearless Andy didn’t question ‘what’ it was, but was very interested as it’s from Japan – he’s in a club at school called ‘Nakano Club’ – they’ll have visiting students soon from Nakano, Japan and so he’s interested in all things Japanese. He liked the Kamaboko a little more than me – was hoping for a bit more flavor, but it was nice. I liked the Naruto better than he did. It had a slightly fishier taste and was less chewy. He ate the whole bowl of noodles though with all the additions! Not bad!


Filed under Japan, Seafood

Re-Review: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Satay Fried Noodles

This is one of the samples sent by Empire International – thanks again to them and Jim C.! Many years ago, I tried this stuff. This was the first Indomie product I’d ever tried! I used to get tons of this stuff – my folks would bring it back to anacortes from Seattle , a bit of a journey for noodles! All the packets, the draining, the eggs… This is where it all begand for me.

Here’s the package back – notice Empire International’s info towards the bottom.

Such awesome noodles – they are really great!

Alright let’s start from left to right. Seasoned oil, sweet soy sauce, fried onion bits, powdered seasoning and chili powder. Five packets of awesomeness!

Here’s everything but the onions awaiting the drained noodles and some stirring.

Added a couple eggs with Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Meat Magic and a bunch of drops of Huy Fong Sriracha Chili sauce. The noodles are great. The flavor is sweet and salty and the little bits of onion on top give it a wonderful zestiness. The chili powder give it a little heat too. I made two packages – it’s so good. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.

An Indomie commercial

I think this is one of the commercials from Africa

Here’s a music video

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

#431: Unif Tung-I Chinese Onion Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

I’ve reviewed  a ton of the Unif noodles, but it’s been quite a while. Here’s a Unif rice noodle – Chinese onion.

Two packets – powdered seasoning and seasoned oil.

I got a little of the oil on my finger – boy is it pungent stuff! Had an almost putridly strong smell.

So I was expecting these noodles to be a little slimy and clumpy, but they were not. The broth is salty and very onionny. It’s not bad stuff, and worth having again if you are a crazed cultist of the church of onion. Like Funyun stew. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Taiwan, Tung-I, Unif