Tag Archives: onions

Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja For Lunch

Lunch (click to enlarge)!!!So I decided to have some of the Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja that they sent me a while back for lunch. I’ve reviewed it before – here’s the link. I added a slice of cheese, Crystal hot sauce, some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake, an egg that I boiled with the noodles, some new odeng and onions. Oh – and of course kimchi! This is the first instant noodle that I devoured with the help of chopsticks! Yep – The Ramen Rater is going to be a chopstick eater! Funny; I wasn’t able to use them very well before but I tried them with kimbap, then some yakisoba I had at a restaurant and finally today and I’m stoked! Woot woot!

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Filed under Korea, Nong Shim, USA

#679: Mamee Express Cup Fried Onion Chicken Flavour

Here’s another one my sister got me for my birthday! Here’s a brand I’ve never seen before – Mamee. It’s from Malaysia! Let’s have a look!

Here’s the info on the distributor’s sticker.

Here’s the side…

…and the top info.

This is the coolest fork ever – you pull it apart and it clicks!

See? Rad!

Powder seasoning packet.

Seasoned oil.

Here’s everything awaiting the boiling water.

Finished. Let’s see… The noodles are indeed plentiful – and not too shabby. The broth is chickenish – not too bad. The veggies are passable. This isn’t anything really to write home about, then again it isn’t a bad cup of noodles. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 9555022301242 .

Slrrrp Curry!

Malaysian Mamee commercial

Or was it from Myanmar?


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Malaysia, Mamee

#674: Paldo (Korea Yakult) Kko Kko Myun

Here’s something extra special, sent by Chris H. of Westport, CT. This is the extremely popular Kko Kko Myun. What I know is that this is made using chicken broth instead of spicy red peppers. It is based on a recipe created by Korean comedian Lee Kyung-kyu. It has an unusual white broth – everything for the most part coming out of Korea has that bright red chili-infused broth. In the first five months of this stuff being released in Korea, they sold 100 million packs! Very popular! So here we go with a review – this is from Korea and not a regular export so the packaging doesn’t have all of its info, but hopefully you can glean info from the nutrition facts, etc off of the label.

There’s a picture of Lee Kyung-kyu on the back. If anyone could translate all of this, I’d be happy to include it!

The noodle block! Big and solid.

Within is contained the chicken broth based powder seasoning – I’m very curious!

Oh wow – I didn’t expect this. So yesterday, my wife had to go to the hospital and I had a lot of time to spend in the lobby waiting for her to come out safe and sound. Well, I got some snacks – one being a bag of Munchies – Jalapeno flavor. Well, the munchies have various snacks all put together like a mix, one of them being Jalapeno Cheese Cheetos. Guess what? This stuff smells exactly the same. I tasted a tiny speck of it and sure enough – exactly the same! This isn’t a negative by any means; I like Jalapeno Cheetos quite a bit! Just a bit of a surprise.

Here’s the vegetable packet.

A decent amount of veggies in there – looks like a nice amount of green onions too – which I like very much.

Here’s the finished product in it’s unmodified state. First, the noodles – standard and of very good quality for Paldo’s products. The broth: light in color and spicy – Jalapeno spicy! It works very well and is very different from anything Korean that I’ve ever had. The veggies are perfect for the dish and of a good quality. I like this a lot and I can see why those in Korea are going crazy over it. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – excellent quality and flavor. UPC barcode 8801128509770 – get it here!

Kko Kko Myun TV commercial!

Lee Kyung-Kyu wins Daesang Award


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#370: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Noodle

Wow – Fuku! Pretty awesome name I think! My sister brought these back from Canada. Let’s try em’ out!

Pretty awesome instructions – I think they’re saying 1 – serve with live, happy jumping prawn, 2 – if you eat it without soup, you will start to hallucinate that music is an entity you can interact with like a meal, and 3 – hoard it and eat it raw like a caveman!  Maybe… At any rate, Fuku is an awesome name!

One single packet of flavoring powder.

Not a whole lot of powder, but had some onion in it I think.

Wow – this stuff is impressive. I know exactly what it reminds me of and now I’m very happy to announce it’s getting 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! This stuff is EXACTLY like Nissin Chikin except it has a little extra powder with it! Originally, my favorite noodles were Nissin ‘Roasted Ramen,’ a product they came out with in the USA when I was a kid. They stopped making it so we hunted for it and they were able to help us out at Uwajimaya in Seattle where they clued my folks in about the Nissin Chikin. This is exactly like that stuff and I’m quite happy. Too bad it requires a trip to Canada to find it! Ack!!! So yeah The name, the back and the noodles and broth altogether are wham bam 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

First, watch this video commercial…

Then watch this – the making of!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Fuku, Hong Kong, Other

#234: Myojo Udon Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base Shrimp Flavor

So another one of these. They are hard to pass up at 69 cents each. Shrimp flavor is the game of the day.

A single packet of flavor.

Here it sits in the bowl.

Today the noodles and broth are accompanied by some green onions! Tasty stuff. It was nice weathdr when I was on my way to the store, but on the way back [as often is the way of Washington state’s December weather] it was dumping rain. Sitting in some dry warm clothing, this is quite enjoyable. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – very nice, chewy noodles, tasty broth and the green onions up it a notch. Find it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Myojo, Seafood