Tag Archives: philippine

#430: Quickchow Pancit Canton Toyo-Mansi

Toyo Mansi huh? Well, I’m pretty sure that mansi is lime, but toyo? Well, Wikipedia had the answer:

Toyo’t Kalamansi (sometimes referred to simply as toyomansi) – soy sauce with kalamansi lime juice

Even better, I found it on this page of Philippine condiments! Pretty cool!

Dry powder, soy sauce and seasoned oil. I imagine the soy sauce has the lime infused in it.

There they wait the drained cooked noodles.

I added a little Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger) and a little fried shallot for garnish. Well I must say this is stupendous and wonderful stuff and I could eat it every day. Very much like Indomie’s Mi Goreng line. I like the noodles and the flavor and everything. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – delicious!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, Philippines, Quickchow

#429: Quickchow Instant Chicken Mami Chicken Flavor

So here’s some Quickchow from the Philippines. Mami just means noodle soup as far as I know. I like the little ‘Buy Pinoy’ logo on the lower right!

One shiny silver packet of powder seasoning.

Almost fluffy, isn’t it?

I added two eggs while the noodles were cooking and a couple thinly sliced pieces of roasted turkey . So the noodles are much chewier and thicker than I expected. They make it a heartier meal. The broth is very nice – very much a chicken flavor. The turkey and egg went nicely with it to make it a really tasty breakfast. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Nothing says Merry Xmas like a 29 cent package of noodles!

Leonard Nimoy narrates ‘In Search Of…’ – about big stone heads!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Philippines, Quickchow

#410: Lucky Me! Instant Bulalo (Bone Marrow Soup) Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

It’s been sitting in my big ramen box for quite a while now and been comtemplating trying this one as of late. Got an email this morning from someone who read the article in the Herald about this site and this stuff was mentioned, so I thought no time like the present. Lucky me!

A couple of packets – powder on the left, strange little clove-like things and veggies on the right.

So this one is a ‘no cook’ variety, however I find that silly since it does cook just like a cup noodle. So you put the noodle block and seasonings in the bowl and add 400cc (about 2 cups) of water. Then you cover it. I’m sorry, but to me, boiling water is cooking; you’re making hot water soup right?

So I covered the bowl with the boiling water in it with the Sons of Champlin album and put a Pepsi 2 liter on top so the album might warp a little and the noodles would get their full coverage.

Ok so here’s the deal. I have a bowl of Lucky Me! noodles a while back – Sotanghon I believe, and they came with ‘free crackers.’ This was a good deal and so I thought I’d try this one with some ‘paid for’ crackers. So there are two crushed and neatly arranged Keebler Club Butter Garlic crackers there. Also in the middle underneath the crackers is a single fried egg – it has a little pepper and a little Jane’s Crazy Mixed Up Salt.

The noodles are very good – they almost remind me of the noodles one would find in Campbell’s Beef Noodle Soup. The broth is nice and tasty. The veggies and little fake meatball thingies are really strange but fun. The whole thing ties togethe to make a tasty meal. I liked this quite a bit. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Sweet – original commercials rock!

This stuff looks really tasty! Easy to cook too.



Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Lucky Me!, Philippines