Tag Archives: poached

#429: Quickchow Instant Chicken Mami Chicken Flavor

So here’s some Quickchow from the Philippines. Mami just means noodle soup as far as I know. I like the little ‘Buy Pinoy’ logo on the lower right!

One shiny silver packet of powder seasoning.

Almost fluffy, isn’t it?

I added two eggs while the noodles were cooking and a couple thinly sliced pieces of roasted turkey . So the noodles are much chewier and thicker than I expected. They make it a heartier meal. The broth is very nice – very much a chicken flavor. The turkey and egg went nicely with it to make it a really tasty breakfast. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.

Nothing says Merry Xmas like a 29 cent package of noodles!

Leonard Nimoy narrates ‘In Search Of…’ – about big stone heads!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Philippines, Quickchow

#427: Koka Mi Hai Cua 2 Crab Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles

Look at the angry little crabs! They’re saying ‘eat the noodle soup!’ I’m agreeing with them and thusly, I portend to make said soup and have it for breakfast.

So here’s something I’ve not seen before – I don’t know if this is how it usually comes or an error, but pretty neat either way. Three packets of chili! Heck yeah! I used one and now have two for later use! Score!

Some seasoned oil, a powdered seasoning and a packet’s worth of chili powder.

Dropped two eggs in with the boiling noodles. This is an amazing dish and I loved it. The noodles are perfect for instant noodles. The broth was a little creamy-ish, crabby and seafoody and the chili powder gave it a nice little spark. The eggs tied it all together – oh man this was good stuff! Going 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – yes I really liked this one!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Koka, Seafood, Singapore, Tat Hui