Tag Archives: pomidorowa

#951: Vifon Pomidorowa Zupa Błyskawiczna Zmakaronem (Tomato Instant Noodle Soup Mild)

Here’s another great one sent by Joe & Gill from the UK! Thank you again! So this is a product geared towards the Polish market and made in Vietnam! Fascinating… Pomidorowa though; what’s that all about? I asked Wikipedia and got this:

Tomato soupsoup prepared on the basis of soup or broth with vegetables. The main ingredient, giving the flavor of the fresh tomatoes or tomato paste . Soup served with noodles or rice , and sometimes even the so-called. zacierką and cast cake . Often used to improve the taste of the herbs, such as basil or parsley parsley and whitewashes cream . It is good for the end to add a bit of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon . Tomato soup consists of a traditional dinner of Polish cuisine [1]

Yep – zupa pomidorowa translates to tomato soup. I expected something a little more fascinating! Well, let’s check it out.

Here’s the back of the packaging.

The noodle block.

Powdered seasoning.

Has an interesting color to the powder I’ve not seen previously.  Has a very strong tomato flavor.

Here’s the veggie packet – good size to it too.

Lots of small bits of veggies.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added onion, ham, and a fried egg with a little Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are nice – plentiful and thin. The broth has a nice and rich tomato flavor that is very good. The veggies really shined in this one – lots of them and they add to the broth in creating a nice and fresh atmosphere. This is great! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 5901882110175.

Polish Vifon commercial.

They have contests too!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Poland, Vegetable, Vi Fon, Vietnam