Tag Archives: pot noodle

#974: Pot Noodle Chilli Beef Flavour

Here’s another one of the great varieties sent by Joe & Gill of the UK – thanks again! Chilli Beef Pot Noodle. Looks interesting to me!

The side panels (click image to enlarge)


Powder and noodles. See, British instant noodle cups are different. Instead of a broth that is thin, it comes out more as a thick sauce or gravy.

It comes with a packet of chilli sauce – here’s the front and back.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added broccoli, sweet onion, green bell pepper, fried egg and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are the standard broad and slightly crumbly and thick Pot Noodles. The flavor is a little funky – beef flavor is there. The sauce is impressive – I’ve had other varieties of ‘spicy’ Pot Noodle before and this stuff is very hot. Kind of acidic too. 2.25 out of 5.0 stars.  UPC bar code 8712566158386 .

Tastified Pot Noodle advertisement.

Stand Up Comedy Gig

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Beef, England, Pot Noodle

#963: Pot Noodle Mr. Chu’s Golden Noodle No. 7 Sticky Rib

Here’s another one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Thanks again! I’ve heard of this one and always wanted to check it out. Definitely one of the more odd flavors out there!

Here’s the info from the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Here’s what you are greeted by: a lot of flour. The flour makes the broth, which is actually a gravy or sauce.

Every Pot Noodle I’ve tried comes with a little sauce packet. Sometimes sweet & sour, sometimes a hot sauce, even a mango sauce. This time it’s a Peking Sauce!

Finished (click image yto enlarge). Added sweet onion, light ham (which I drizzled the included Peking Sauce over), corn with Cavender’s Greek seasoning, and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are your standard Pot Noodle noodles – wide, chunky and crumbly. The sauce is interesting; has a rich flavor, but I can’t exactly decipher what flavor it is with my tastebuds. Kind of bitter, kind of brown gravy. The Peking Sauce is great – sweet and a little sticky. Definitely something different! 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8718114797977.

Pot Noodle Sticky Rib advertisement.
Looked up sticky ribs in England on YouTube and found this recipe!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, England, Pork, Pot Noodle

#952: Pot Noodle Sweet & Spicy Flavour

Here’s another one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Thanks again! Sweet & spicy… I have had quite a few Pot Noodles and recently I had a sweet and sour variety. Curious how this one tastes. Well, let’s check it out!

Here’s the detail of the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Where are the noodles you say? Well, Pot Noodle is much different from what you would find here in the States. The noodles are underneath all of the powder, which is mostly wheat flour. The usual broth you would expect in a cup of noodles is more of a sauce or gravy here.

Pot noodles usually come with a single packet such as you see here (front and back). Make the noodles, add some sauce.

Finished (click image to enlarge. Added onions, stir-fry vegetables, light ham and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are your standard Pot Noodle fare; broad and flat with a crumbliness and slight chew. The sauce has a nice taste to it – sweet with a very light spicy factor. The mango sauce has a nice taste – very sweet and a little tanginess. I liked this one – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 5000118203527

Pot Noodle has a contest – you can win a spinning fork! I really want to review one of these things so if anyone ever wants to make me really happy, send me one!

Yeah I wish we had stuff like this over here…

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, England, Other, Pot Noodle

#945: Pot Noodle Jamaican Jerk! Flavour

Here’s another awesome looking Pot Noodle flavor that was sent by Joe & Gill of the UK – again, I must say thank you very much! They are a couple of the many people who have been extra kind and sent varieties that I haven’t ever reviewed my way. No way I could find this one here in the states! So what is Jamaican Jerk flavor anyways? I asked Wikipedia:

Jerk is a style of cooking native to Jamaica in which meat is dry-rubbed or wet marinated with a very hot spice mixture called Jamaican jerk spice. Jerk seasoning is traditionally applied to pork and chicken. Modern recipes also apply jerk spice mixes to fish, shrimp, shellfish, beef, sausage, lamb, and tofu. Jerk seasoning principally relies upon two items: allspice (called “pimento” in Jamaica) and Scotch bonnet peppers (among the hottest peppers on the Scoville scale). Other ingredients include cloves, cinnamon, scallions, nutmeg, thyme, garlic, and salt.

Sounds interesting – let’s continue.

Here are the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Unlike a cup noodle that one would find here in the states, Pot Noodle is more of a noodles and sauce kind of thing. The sauce comes from all this powder. Much of it is wheat flour.

They also include a packet of some sauce or another. This one has mango sauce.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added onion, stir fry vegetables, baked chicken and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles have that trademark wide flat shape and thick chewiness and slight crumble. The broth (really a sauce) has an interesting taste. Kind of a bitter and salty flavor with some interesting spices going on. Kind of reminiscent of curry. The mango sauce is really good – I would say its more like sweet and sour sauce you would find here in the states. Interesting. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8712566382378

Some day, I hope to own a spinning Pot Noodle fork!

Another awesome Pot Noodle advert.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, England, Other, Pot Noodle

#939: Pot Noodle Sweet & Sour Flavour

Here’s the first of many reviews of instant noodles that were donated by Joe & Gill of the UK! Thank you again! It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Pot Noodle. Generally they’re impossible to find in the United States – which surprises me since I think they’d do really well here. Anyways, Let’s check out the sweet and sourness!

Here are the side panels – click image to enlarge.

You’re probably wondering “what is that?” Well, a Pot Noodle is different from a Cup Noodle. The main difference is that instead of a broth is has more of a sauce. The large amount of powder is mainly wheat flour that will turn into the sauce.  Underneath lies the noodle block.

They usually include a little sauce p[acket that goes well with the motif of the cup. It sounds pretty good, too!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onion, turkey breast lunch meat and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Wow – for something so downed on in Red Dwarf, this is pretty decent! The noodles are broad and flat with a slightly crumbly texture. The sauce is a thick sweet and sour kind of thing – has a nice taste to it. The little sauce packet was kind of odd – had an almost puckery acidity to it – not what I think many would think of when they think sweet and sour sauce like one would find in Chinese take-out. All in all an interesting melange of flavor. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – possibly my favorite Pot Noodle thus far! UPC bar code 5000118203610 .

Pot Noodle commercials are always really funny

Someone made this video on cooking Pot Noodles…

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Filed under England, Other, Pot Noodle