Tag Archives: purple

#788: Uni-President 100 Old Clay Pot Pickled Vegetables Beef Noodles

Here’s the first review of the batch of six instant noodles sent to me by Bo H. of China! This one looks really interesting; I’m not 100% sure that this is the correct title either, but this is the best translation I could get. I wonder who that guy is?

Here’s the back of the package. I couldn’t find any direction on how to cook so I’m going to go with 400mL boiling water, add noodles and seasoning powder, then when done add the pickled beef on top.

Here’s a larger chunk of the noodles. They came from China and took a month and a half, so they fared pretty well.

Powder seasoning packet.

Has an interesting taste – salty and nummy.

A seasoned oil packet.

This stuff is very oily and spicy.

Thought this looked familiar… Oh hey – look here!

Here’s the stuff. I think this one might have real beef as opposed to the big cup version.

Finished. Added a few pieces of onion. The noodles are good – they have a decent texture and a good character. Not chewy but soft – not mushy though. The broth has a very nice flavor – spicy and flavorful! The veggies and pickled stuff is all over and has a very nice flavor. This is excellent stuff – really good! I love it – 4.75 out of 5.0 stars – very good!UPC bar code 6925303773915 .

Uni-President finger racing commercial.

Baseball! Sweet!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, China, Uni Predeisent, Unif

#210: Rocket Brand Satoimo Noodles

So. Rocket Brand Satoimo Noodles. These were next to some instant noodles at Uwajimaya in Seattle. Purple noodles. So what’s Satoimo? Wikipedia says:

In Japan, it is called satoimo (サトイモ, satoimo?), (kanji: 里芋) “village potato”. The “child” and “grandchild” corms which bud from the parent satoimo, are called imonoko (芋の子, imonoko?). Satoimo has been propagated in Southeast Asia since the late Jōmon period. It was a regional staple food before rice became predominant. The tuber, satoimo, is often prepared through simmering, but occasionally grated and eaten raw or steamed. The stalk, zuiki, can also be prepared a number of ways, depending on its variety.

This was found under the main subject of Taro. So purple taro noodles. Okay!

Wow they certain are purple – I mean this is ridiculous!

I really dig the logo. I first thought that these noodles might be made out of the ‘space potato,’ a potato that was genetically modified with the gene that makes eggplants purple.

So here’s the 411 on the purple stuff.

Here they are cooking. They cooked in about five minutes.

Here are the noodles served to my lady! I baked up a breaded chicken breast, made some green beans and there’s the purple noodles and all on a blue plate. Well, since these are simply noodles, not much to say about them. She couldn’t decide if she liked them or not. I liked them okay but wasn’t really impressed. So, I’m going to give them a clean 2.5 out of 5.0 stars – they’re not bad, not super duper and exactly average – except for the color!


Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, China, Rocket Brand