Tag Archives: rater

Meet The Manufacturer: Prima Taste Rendang Curry Sauce Kit

I know, thewse aren’t noodles but I thought it’d be nice to show some of the other things that Prima Taste sent. This one’s for making rendang – a spicy curried beef.

Two big packets of flavoring.

Finished (click to enlarge). Used some beef that we got at H Mart that’s usually used for Korean BBQ (the folks at Prima Taste said it’s usually beef that’s in chunks one uses). We had it atop some rice. This stuff was very rich and tasty – lots of serious flavors going on! We really liked it a lot. You can get it here.

A 30 second spot and Prima Taste’s products.

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, Beef, Prima Taste, Singapore

Meet The Manufacturer: #991: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian

Curry. For me, it’s up there with bacon, pizza, fried chicken and dim sum. Curry has this flavor that has always enthralled me and can be prepared in so many different ways. Here we have Prima Taste’s take on curry with their Curry La Mian.

The back of the packaging (click image to enlarge). Notice the ingredients. Also, note the cooking time.

The noodle block – large and circular.

This is a really big packet. There are two packets, A and B.

This curry paste smells so good! I’ve never seen anything like this in any instant I’ve tried before.

Now we have the curry premix – I think that’s kind of funny as I would think that the premix would’ve been labeled as A.

Powdered coconut. Awesome stuff!

Finished (click image to enlarge. Added onions, baked chicken and some white potato. The noodles are of a very nice quality and nicely chewy. The broth is amazing – it has a really nice thickness from the coconut component and a great spicy and authentic curry flavor second to none. This stuff is wonderful; it has a real gourmet feel to it! I definitely have never seen this kind of thing in any instant noodle I’ve tried before – I believe this to be a real game changer. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars easily. UPC bar code 01393406796 – get it here.

A commercial for both the Laksa and the Curry La Mian

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, Prima Taste, Singapore

Meet The Manufacturer: Prima Taste Samples

Here’s the box that the samples came in…

Six of each…

…of two varieties: Laksa LaMian and Curry LaMian! Really looking forward to trying these!

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Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Prima Taste

This is a Meet The Manufacturer that’s been a long time in the making – and well worth it! Prima Taste is a company out of Singapore that makes all sorts of meal kits and now ‘LaMian,’ which is a line of instant noodle products. Here’s the interview I conducted with them via email.

The Ramen Rater> Thank you very much for agreeing to do this interview! Could we start off with some information about Prima Taste; when was Prima Taste founded, where and by whom?

Prima Taste> Prima Taste was launched in 1999 with the mission of serving Singapore Cuisine to the world.

TRR> For those of my readers who are not familiar with your line of products, could you tell us a little about them?

PT> Prima Taste, an award winning brand synonymous with authentic Singapore food is manufactured by Prima Food Pte Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Prima Limited. Prima Taste range of ready-to-cook pastes and sauces for whipping up more than 100 authentic Singapore and pan-Asian dishes. Building on the strengths and success of Prima Taste products, the Prima Taste concept restaurant franchise was created to serve true Singapore cuisine.

TRR> When I think about Singaporean noodles, I immediately think of Laksa. Do you have a Laksa instant product? What would you recommend pairing with it to make it a perfect meal?

PT> We have our popular Laksa Best Singapore Favourites Ready-to-cook Sauce Kit that can be paired with our Thick Rice Noodle to make a very robust and authentic Singapore Laksa.

You may also wish to try the Laksa LaMian which comes with steam, air-dried noodles made from premium wheat, no added MSG, no added preservatives and no artificial flavouring. Just add your favourite ingredients!

TRR> I’ve never been to Singapore – what is the area of Singapore where you’re located like?

PT> Singapore is a tropical that lies one degree north of the Equator. It is strategically located at the crossroads of Asia, which has helped it grow into a modern city and major centre for trade, transportation and communications.

Singapore’s colourful history began decades ago when early immigrants arrived here to build a better life, bringing with them cultures, traditions from China, Europe, the Malay Peninsula and the Indian sub-continent. Most Singaporeans today are descendants from these immigrants. This diversed heritage has contributed to a vibrant social fabric and while Singaporeans have developed their own distinct identity, they still enjoy the traditional customs, festivals and culinary heritage of their ancestors.

Singaporeans are passionate about food and will proudly proclaim that one if the best things about the country is the food. Singapore food is like its heritage, full of different aromas and ingredients that have come together in a delicious and hearty way. Her famed local dishes feature Chinese, Malay and Indian culinary influences, reflecting the rich mix of cultures that co-exist harmoniously on the island republic.

TRR> Is there a story behind the name Prima Taste?

PT> Certainly, there is. Prima Taste got its name from the parent company, Prima Limited.

“Prima” in Latin means “first”. The Company’s Chinese name “Bai Ling Mai” literally means a hundred-year-old wheat”, signifying our Company’s longevity on a solid foundation.

Prima Taste is managed by Prima Food Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Prima Limited. Prima Food was established in 1992 with its core business in food manufacturing and franchising.

With numerous awards lauding our achievement, Prima Taste is living up to its name.

TRR> Is Prima Taste involved in the local community around you?

PT> We are involved in the local community in the following ways:

  • contributing our Prima Taste products as lucky draw prizes, door gifts, offering percentage discounts to participants and also offering a very special price to the organizers;
  • contributing our products for cooking competitions;
  • conduct sampling (food tasting) sessions at their events;
  • taking up a stall to showcase & sell our Prima Taste products

TRR> From what I’ve read, Singapore has a very hot and humid climate. Are there Singaporean noodles that are served cold?

PT> Typically not a Singapore dish, cold noodles can still be found in some restaurants or food outlets in some hotels.

TRR> Are hot peppers popular in Singaporean cuisine?

PT> Hot peppers like capsicums are sometimes used in stir-fried dishes.

TRR> Are there any new products that will be coming out soon that you could tell us about?

PT> We will be launching 2 more flavours to the range. They are Singapore’s iconic dish – Singapore Chill Crab LaMian and local favourites Fish Soup LaMian.

TRR> A lot of people wonder about the health factors (sodium, etc.) when it comes to instant noodles. How do you recommend people made instant noodles a healthy part of their diet?

A healthy part of their diet would be to consume noodles that are steam, air-dried, have no added preservatives, no added MSG and no artificial colouring.

TRR> Do you make/sell products other than instant noodles?

PT> Yes, we also have a range of Southeast Asian Noodles range.

TRR> What was your first product?

PT> Laksa, Singapore Curry, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Mee Siam & Mee Rebus

TRR> How does the process in which you make your noodles differ from other brands?

PT> Unlike most instant noodles, Prima Taste Lamian is steamed and air-dried.

TRR> When you make instant noodles for yourself, do you add anything or have any recommendations?

PT> For a more indulgent meal, you may add ingredients suggested on the pack. For e.g., for Laksa LaMian, you may add cooked seafood, cooked chicken and hard-boiled eggs.

TRR> Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about Prima Taste and Singapore!

There you go. Thanks to Low Fatt Mun and Mah Chern Wei for making this Meet The Manufacturer come to reality!

Interview * Samples From Prima Taste * Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian * Prima Taste Rendang Curry Sauce Kit *

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, Prima Taste, Singapore

#990: Nissin Pan Asian Kitchen Spicy Pad Thai Flavor Ramen Noodles

Found this one while strolling through our new Walmart Neighborhood Market just north of here. It’s kind of like you take a Walmart, make it a Super Walmart and then ditch the Walmart part so it’s just groceries. Found this is the Asian foods section and not with the Top Ramen and Cup Noodle. Kind of weird.

Here’s the bottom of the packaging (click image to enlarge).

Here’s the lid.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Interesting – lots of stuff going on here!

Liquid seasoning packet.

Looks like an oil. Has a coffee-esque scent.

Garnish packet.

Some bits of nuts to put on top!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onion, green bell pepper, broccoli and shrimp. The noodles are really good here – lots of them and they’re broad. The flavoring is interesting; it’s spicy, a little sweet and then a little off. I thought the peanut flavor wasn’t as expected. The scent of the oil as coffee was actually supposed to be peanut. The sprinkle of nuts on top was a nice littler touch. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 070662487266.

Here’s a recipe to make homemade Pad Thai.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Nissin, Other, USA