Tag Archives: rib

Amazing Donation From The UK!

A little while back, a couple named Joe & Gill from the UK sent me some pictures for the ‘Show Your Noodles’ competition. They also offered to send some noodles from across the pond! After a little while, here they are!

The bottom of the box was seriously munched. Everything inside fared extremely well, though!

They sent this nice card along with the noodles – awesome! They’ll be getting some The Ramen Rater stickers when the next batch is done! They said the box should be here withing 7-10 days and I believe it arrived in exactly 10.

Wow – look at them all! some that I’ve really been wanting to review for a long time! Pot Noodle Doner Kebab and Sticky Ribs! Amino Borscht! Tons of others I’ve never seen before that Joe recommended – Ko-Lee brand. This was absolutely above and beyond my expectations – you guys are awesome fans and I think I can say that not only myself but all readers truly appreciate your donation! Cheers!

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#591: Batchelors Super Noodles To Go Chinese Spare Rib

Something differe – Chinese Sparerib!

Big seasoning packet on the left and a little packet to add at the end of cooking.

Ingredients and instructions.

Awaiting the water!

So here it is. This one’s rather disappointing; the noodles are okay, but its the flavor that’s the problem. I would’ve expected a little less bland than it was, also a lot less soupy. Kind of meh. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Watch and be in awe.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Batchelors, Beef, England, Other, Pork