Tag Archives: rice noodle

#903: Han’s Korea Rice Noodles With Seafood Flavored Soup

Here’s the last of the Han’s Korea trays that I have found. I think seafood sounds good for today. Let’s check it out!

Here’s a close up of the label (click to enlarge).

Here are the rice noodles.

The seasoning packet.

Looks like some chunk tastiness!

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some Costco stir fry veggies, kamaboko, kimchi, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles weren’t too shabby in this one –  although still they were rice noodles and a little tough to break with the lips. The broth is very light – slight seafood flavor and spicy tang to it. Interesting. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8809037615087 .

We tried kimbap yesterday for the first time – here’s a kimbap restaurant in Korea!

Here’s a lady telling you how to make kimbap. She seems a little caffeinated and strange.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Han's Korea, Korea, Seafood

#894: Han’s Korea Rice Noodle With Kimchi Flavored Soup

Here’s another one we picked up over at KS Mart in Lynnwood, WA the other day on our regular kimchi supply run. How fitting – kimchi noodle! Let’s hit it!

Here’s a close-up of all the writing on the label (click to enlarge).

The noodles are like a springy accordion – I almost want to take them and see how far they would stretch, but that wouldn’t be right.

The seasoning packet.

Lots of bits of stuff going on in there hmmm.

Finished. Added kimchi, some baked chicken and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are plentiful and that’s great, but they were very hard to break when pursing the lips. They reminded me of a kind of rice version of bean thread.  The broth is nice – has a good kimchi flavor and not too salty. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8809037615070 .

How to make kimchi

How to make kimchi pizza! FTW!!!


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Han's Korea, Korea, Vegetable

#815: Chencun Stewde Chicken Of Mushroom

See? it really says it right there – stewde chicken of mushroom! I think this has to be one of my favorite misspellings yet! My sister brought me this back from Canada earlier this year. Let’s have a look!

Side panels.

A folding fork! See more of ’em on the Included Forks page!

The noodle block. A large clump of rice noodles. I’m curious if they’ll be stiff and chewy of nice and free-flowing of edibility.

Powder seasoning.

Interesting – has a slightly granular appearance.

The liquid packet.

Looks like a seasoned oil that’s congealed a bit.

Veggie packet.

Looks like a light smattering to me.

Finished. UPC bar code 6911754103395 . Despite steeping for about five minutes, the noodles didn’t seem to completely get all the way done – at least in patches. Those that did get done were soft and enjoyable. The parts that didn’t weren’t hard or anything, they were just not all the way done. The broth has a sort of chicken mushroom taste to it and a surprising thickness as well. The liquid packet is prevalent in the greasiness here. The veggies weren’t bad but more is always preferable. All in all, it is about as I expected; a passable mushroom of chicken – I mean chicken of mushroom… I don’t know but it tasted like a chicken mushroom with wide rice noodles kind of thing to be. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.

Chicken of the woods eh?

Bizarre Lingzhi mushroom found from 80+ meter deep well


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chencun, Chicken, China, Other

#761: Thai Kitchen Garlic & Vegetable Instant Rice Noodle Soup

Here’s one that’s been in the hamper for a while – time to try!

Here’s the back of the package.

Rice noodles.

Seasoning packet of silver!

Curious on this one as I don’t see any vegetables.

A seasoned oil mixture.

Very slight tint to it.

Finished. This one was a bit of a shock as to how tasty it is! The noodles are delicate and wonderful. The broth has a sweetness to it which is interesting. If you want something light tasting, this is probably something you would like. Comfort food caliber. The downside is that when something mentions vegetable, I like to see some. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 73762803002 – get it here.

Thai street food

Thai pop music – I dunno the Kpop and Jpop seemed a bit more catchy.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Thai Kitchen, Thailand, USA, Vegetable

#681: Nong Shim Hearty Rice Noodle Black Bean & Vegetables

This is one that’s been in the ramen hamper for a while and so it’s time to give it a go. I’m usually a little leery of the noodles with the thick black coating, but I’m throwing caution to the wind; I liked the last Jjamngmen I had so why not!

Here’s the back of the package.

Had a different Nong Shim variety a long time ago that used these noodles. They’re like long rice micro-macaroni! I think the idea is you get the wider gauged noodle without the chewiness you would get if they weren’t hollow.

A packet of veggies…

A nice melange of color and variety. What you do is boil the noodles with the veggies (and add any you might want – I added some C&W frozen Stir Fry Vegetables) and afterwards…

This packet will enter the big pot of drained noodles.

Here’s what it looks like.

Also a packet of vegetable oil. Stir, Stir, stir!

Well this looks shmancy! The noodles are nice – they don’t seem like your typical rice noodles at all; chewy but not overly so. The black bean veggie sauce is good, although I found myself adding a little salt. The veggies were all good. Not bad at all and was filling. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 031146007400. Get it here.

Neato! Is this a store in the US or Korea?

Homemade Jia Jang Men


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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Other