Tag Archives: shirmp

#301: Dragonfly Guilin Style Flavor Guilin Rice Vermicelli Bún Quế Lâm

So three hundred reviews behind this and onward we go! So here’s a brand I’ve never seen before. A lot of funny stuff on this package – shirmp flavor, bad english… But proof is in the eating right?

Looks like two types of veggies at the top, onions? Then the yellowish looks like perhaps onion seasoning oil and then a powdered base.

Very interesting looking noodles…

A single fried egg tossed in. So this is completely different and very good!  Very interesting noodles – much like the ones found in Lipton Cup-a-Noodle and Mrs Grass soup, except the noodles are longer by quite a bit. The broth is chickenny and the egg dropped in went nice. What’s extremely odd about this is that it is supposed to be shrimp flavor! Mysterious… It’s a great bowl of soup- I really dug it! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – really I’m highly impressed by this one.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, China, Dragonfly Brand, Seafood, USA

#223: Tat Hui Koka Instant Rice Noodles Laksa Singapura Flavor

So here’s something I haven’t seen before and it looks like there’s a handful of varieties available locally.

The green packet has powder and liquid, the white has veggies and dehydrated shrimp, and the red was coconut powder! Never seen that before!!!

Before everything got the 2 cups of boiling water for 3 minutes.

So here it is. Interesting stuff! I find this to be some of the most enthralling and fascinating broth I’ve found in a bowl noodle. Reminiscent of Tum Yum/Yam but different – I think its the coconut powder. The noodles are really nice too – I like it when rice noodles are like this. The dehydrated shrimp was very tasty too I might add. Lots of veggies too! Very nice – Low cost and high quality – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Seafood, Singapore, Tat Hui