Tag Archives: single noble

#584: Baijia Single Noble Black Bone Chicken Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodles

Black bone chicken? Baijia? Well, let’s give it a try. This is the last of the Baijia’s I have.

Here’s the ingredients and nutrition panel.

Seasoned oil, powdered seasoning and vegetable things.

Now this looks a little foreboding. I guess time will tell.

Noodles are again sweet potato based and horrid.
The broth was hideously greasy and nasty. The vegetable things were strange and inedible. 0 out of 5 stars.

This is a great documentary. Here in the US, you really don’t hear much about this since it was a Russian who orbited Earth the first time.


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 0-1.0, Baijia, Chicken, China