Tag Archives: spicy chicken

#971: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Ramen House Spicy Chicken Ramen

Here’s the next to last of the Annie Chun’s varieties they were kind enough to send for Meet The Manufacturer. Spicy Chicken Ramen sounds awesome! Let’s check it out.

Back of the package (click image to enlarge).

The fresh ramen packet.

The liquid soup base.

Has a spicy scent!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added bell peppers, onions and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are nice and fresh with good firmness – good stuff. The broth is indeed spicy and has a rich and deep flavor I found very enjoyable. This is a good one! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.  UPC bar code 765667140109 – get it here.

Here’s a show about Annie Chun’s products.


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Annie Chun's, Chicken, USA

#950: Ottogi Kiss Myon Asian Style Instant Noodle Bowl (Cup)

Here’s the first new Ottogi variety I’ve reviewed in a long time! It’s an interesting one, too. This is most definitely a cup, however it says it is a noodle bowl on the packaging – weird! Hoping in 2013 to be able to get with Ottogi and do a Meet The Manufacturer – they’ve got some interesting twists on Korean instant noodles that are really good! Well, let’s give this one a try!

Here are the details from the side panels (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

A single seasoning packet.

A hot and spicy powder! Wow!

Here’s a little bit of the veggies from the bottom of the cup.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added an egg, green bell pepper and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are really quite nice. They have a little tension to them and are soft. The broth has a rich and spicy chicken flavor which I enjoyed. A good white broth cup! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 645175573227 – get the pack version here.

Kiss Myon TV commercial.

Another K-Pop star commercial for Ottogi.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Korea, Other, Ottogi

Re-Review: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor King Cup

Here’s the original review. It’s cold today so I thought it sounded good. I figure I should mention – there will be some new reviews very soon! I am working on a huge project that’s been taking so much time. A hint – it has to do with upgrading this blog! I’ve been editing every post and image. A lot of work let me tell you! It will definitely be worth it in the end!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added kamaboko, stir fry vegetables, an egg, sweet onion and processed cheese. Awesome – just as good as last time – 4.75 out of 4.0 stars! UPC bar code 648436100705 .

Here’s a Korean Kokomen TV commercial

A video of Lee Kyung-Kyu making Kokomen!

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Filed under Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult, USA

#927: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor King Cup

Here’s some more Kokomen – this is the one sold in the USA! It’s a really rainy day today and some spicy chicken noodles sound really tasty! Let’s hit it!

The side panels (click image to enlarge). Note the address on the lower left – these must be Gangnam style!

The noodle block.

The powder seasoning packet.

Ahhh – Jalapeno and chicken powder! Smells great!

Those little white strips? Dehydrated chicken!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sliced turkey breast (how fitting for this week), sweet onion, Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are really good, although I think the pack variety’s offering is a little better. The broth is wonderful – a nice jalapeno chicken flavor. The veggies are nice and the little bits of chicken are neat to see. I love this stuff – jalapeno chicken noodle soup is right up my alley! Just like the Kko Kko Myun King Cup from Korea, I give it 4.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 648436100705 .

Here’s a Korean Kokomen TV commercial

A video of Lee Kyung-Kyu making Kokomen!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#792: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor (New Version)

The 200th review I did was the old version of this stuff! Over 500 reviews later, we come to the new version. So far, these new ones have been quite good.

Here’s the panel info from the cardboard outer.

The lid with directions.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Here’s the seasoning with a more yellow color than its predecessor.

Here are a few bits of the veggies from the bottom of the bowl.

Finished. Added a couple fried eggs with a pinch of Krazy Mixed Up Salt, some kimchi, some chicken lunch meat and some veggies. The noodles were exceptionally good as I have found these new ones to be lately. The broth has a decent bit of spiciness but not a snap your neck level – I could handle a bit more. Veggie re-hydrated nicely. In review #200, I didn’t like the noodles as much, but I definitely remember it being spicier. So it sticks at a 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 031146262571 – get it here.

This is awesome! I want to go to Korea someday – everyone’s really happy and there’s noodles, too!

I wanna try this stuff!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Nong Shim, USA