Tag Archives: stew

#842: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Beef Flavour

Here’s a big bowl of noodles sent a while back by Michelle L. of New York. Stew beef sounds good to me!

Side panels.

A fork!

A good sized noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Very light powder.

Paste packet.

Pretty thick stuff!

Veggie packet.

Looks like a nice smattering.

Finished. Added a fried egg with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt, some red bell pepper, broccoli and onions, and a little roast beef I sauteed with a touch of Cavender’s All Purpose Greek Seasoning. Noodles are slightly spongy but all in all pretty good. The broth is really good – has a great beef flavor with just the right amount of oil. Veggies were decent. A nice big bowl of noodles! Well done! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6921555571866 – get it here.

One of the most awesome instant noodle commercials ever.

China: A Century Of Revolution documentary

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, JML (Jinmailang Food Co. Ltd.)

#839: CJ CheilJedang Mild Bean Curd Stew

Saw this at H Mart a while back and it piqued my curiosity. Was kind of pricy for a little cup – close to $3… Wonder what’s in there.

Here’s the export label.

Side panels.

A potato noodle block – yep it’s made of potatoes and pea starch! Looks more like a bird’s nest.

The veggie packet.

Lots of interesting pieces here – very large!

The liquid packet.

Thick liquid.

Finished.  These noodles aren’t my cup of tea. They’re so slippery and hard to eat for me. Really thin and odd. Kind of like bean thread but even harder to break with your lips. The broth is interesting; has an odd heat and flavor. The bits and pieces of veggies and tofu are wonderful – unfortunately not enough for me to say I really like this stuff though. Would love to try a kimchi red broth version of this – could be good! 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801007189192 .

Neat CJ video

Another CJ spot

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, CJ CheilJedang, Korea, Other, Vegetable

#773: Little Cook Instant Noodle TVP Stewed Pork Flavor

Here’s another one that was sent in by Michelle L. of New York, New York – thanks again! TVP? What’s TVP? Well, I’ve had it quite a few times before. TVP stands for ‘textured vegetable protein’ and is basically fake meat. Usually you couldn’t get pork in a packet coming from Thailand into the states – fake pork on the other hand is doable.

The distributor’s label with nutrition facts.

A side panel – click to enlarge.

Part of the noodle block.

Powdered seasoning packet.

Powdered seasoning with what look to be bits of vegetables strewn in there.

The contents of the oil packet. Forgot to take a picture of the oil packet – it was clear and had the same triangle pattern as the powder packet.

In this big metallic packet is the textured vegetable protein.

I know, but you put ANYTHING in a clear bowl like this and it looks like cat food. It actually smells quite nice.

Finished. Added some mixed veggies and a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger). The noodles are interesting; the word bulbous comes to mind. They’re a little wider with an interestingly puckered texture. Different and good. The broth has a nice pork taste and is reminiscent of a duck flavored instant I had before. The textured vegetable protein chunks are abundant and not too shabby, although they have a little more sponginess than I expected. Again, the duck I had before was closer to a real piece of meat than this was. All in all, not bad – quite a big bowl of noodles for a $1.59 cup! I liked it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4710249000841 .

Old Thai commercial

Salvador Dali on Mike Wallace Interview – 1958

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Little Cook, Namchow, Pork, Thailand, Vegetable

#758: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Pork Flavour

Here’s another one of the big bowls that Michelle L. of New York sent. Stew Pork eh? Let’s give this one a try.

The side panels.

Hooray! A fork!

Here’s the noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Yeah this one taste a whole lot better than the mushroom chicken one that smelled like burnt plastic!


They look pretty decent.

The liquid seasoning.

Looks funny I know but this really livens things up!

Finished. Added a slice of processed cheese and some beef lunch meat. The noodles are a little on the weak side; they are good, but they could be better. The broth is lighter than I expected; I really expected salty but that wasn’t the case – nice stewed pork taste. The veggies were not all that great; they re-hydrated but weren’t awesome. All said and done, not bad but could be better. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6921555571668 .

Uh but it  said JM L Commercial 1 in the title… Just doesn’t seem right.

This is more like it.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, JML (Jinmailang Food Co. Ltd.), Pork

#283: Paldo King Cup Kimchi Pot Stew Instant Noodle

So a big hurking bowl noodle. The only time I’ve ever seen anything this size before when not a fresh udon bowl was the Nissin Souper Meals.  Its 2152mg of sodium and should pack a wallop!

Veggies on the left, soup base on the right.

I’m really pleased – looks like a lot of veggies here! Also the soup base has a nice red color to it.

I have a Prodigy CD that I use to hold down the lids on smallish cup noodles and the like but this required a full 12″ disco Tower of Power vinyl.

Here’s the finished product with two eggs intermingled. I like this a lot. The noodles are firmer and chewier than I expected. The broth is nice – a little spice and a bit on kimchi flavor and the veggies are ample. The two eggs top it off quite nicely. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars on this one – nicely done! Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Vegetable