Tag Archives: sticky rib

#963: Pot Noodle Mr. Chu’s Golden Noodle No. 7 Sticky Rib

Here’s another one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Thanks again! I’ve heard of this one and always wanted to check it out. Definitely one of the more odd flavors out there!

Here’s the info from the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Here’s what you are greeted by: a lot of flour. The flour makes the broth, which is actually a gravy or sauce.

Every Pot Noodle I’ve tried comes with a little sauce packet. Sometimes sweet & sour, sometimes a hot sauce, even a mango sauce. This time it’s a Peking Sauce!

Finished (click image yto enlarge). Added sweet onion, light ham (which I drizzled the included Peking Sauce over), corn with Cavender’s Greek seasoning, and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are your standard Pot Noodle noodles – wide, chunky and crumbly. The sauce is interesting; has a rich flavor, but I can’t exactly decipher what flavor it is with my tastebuds. Kind of bitter, kind of brown gravy. The Peking Sauce is great – sweet and a little sticky. Definitely something different! 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8718114797977.

Pot Noodle Sticky Rib advertisement.
Looked up sticky ribs in England on YouTube and found this recipe!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, England, Pork, Pot Noodle

Amazing Donation From The UK!

A little while back, a couple named Joe & Gill from the UK sent me some pictures for the ‘Show Your Noodles’ competition. They also offered to send some noodles from across the pond! After a little while, here they are!

The bottom of the box was seriously munched. Everything inside fared extremely well, though!

They sent this nice card along with the noodles – awesome! They’ll be getting some The Ramen Rater stickers when the next batch is done! They said the box should be here withing 7-10 days and I believe it arrived in exactly 10.

Wow – look at them all! some that I’ve really been wanting to review for a long time! Pot Noodle Doner Kebab and Sticky Ribs! Amino Borscht! Tons of others I’ve never seen before that Joe recommended – Ko-Lee brand. This was absolutely above and beyond my expectations – you guys are awesome fans and I think I can say that not only myself but all readers truly appreciate your donation! Cheers!

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