Tag Archives: sweet curry

#695: JFC Japanese Style Noodle Soup Curry Flavour

Here’s another one from Ramen Place. Japanese curry is always good – curious how this will pan out!

Here’s the side panels.

I gotta say, it’d be awesome to have a t-shirt with this one it – just an oval with ‘noodles’ inside…

This packet is seriously full!


Contents ready for hot water and a 2 1/2 minute spin in the microwave.

Finished. Wow this is awesome – the udon came out very nicely – chewy and wide-gauge. The soup (if you can call it that; it’s more of a gravy) is full of great sweet and slightly spicy Japanese curry flavor. The bits of veggie flake appear here and there but are almost inconsequential – the curry gravy is front and center here. I loved this – 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 01152194325  – get it here.

I like the Golden Curry stuff – lots of other eye catching brands and flavors as well!

Cooking With Dog – Bukkake Udon


Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, Japan, JFC, Other