Tag Archives: to go

#591: Batchelors Super Noodles To Go Chinese Spare Rib

Something differe – Chinese Sparerib!

Big seasoning packet on the left and a little packet to add at the end of cooking.

Ingredients and instructions.

Awaiting the water!

So here it is. This one’s rather disappointing; the noodles are okay, but its the flavor that’s the problem. I would’ve expected a little less bland than it was, also a lot less soupy. Kind of meh. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Watch and be in awe.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Batchelors, Beef, England, Other, Pork

#565: Batchelors Super Noodles To Go Curry Flavour

Curry! Bacon, ramen, fresh water eel, mayonnaise and curry – all the highest of the high on my list of edibles! Here’s curry noodles from the YUK!

Super Noodles. Awesome.

Here’s what makes them Super Noodles. Pretty long list!

Holy curry packet, Batman!

No freaking way – this is insane! There’s a lot of flour in this stuff which makes the broth less broth like and more grav or sauce like.

Here’s how to make it – interesting how it asks for a couple stirs.

This packet shouldn’t be confused with the curry packet as far as size – it’s much smaller and thinner.

Here we have the finished product with the mango chutney on top. Brilliant! Okay so the noodles aren’t bad but nothing to cheer about; definitely not the greatest but decent for a cup. The broth is insanity – dark brown and like a curry gravy! Very tasty. The veggies could be better – not super veggies. All in all quite a nice little bowl of noodles. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.

Mushy Peas advert

A short interruption in the home movie cavalcade for a little Jacqyue Pepin and Julia Childs badassness.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Batchelors, England, Other