Tag Archives: tomato seafood

#494: Snapdragon Pan Asian Cuisine Tomato Seafood Rice Noodle Soup

I got a few of these not too long ago and so here’s the first of them. The top is a clear cover.

Do these packets look familiar? They did to me. Take a look at my reviews of Koka brand products. Koka is from Singapore, and the back of the cup shows a map with Singapore on it. Interesting. The red packet has powder and oil and the green is veggies.

The rice noodles with everything on top waiting for the boiling water.

So here’s the finished product. It has a nice tomato taste to it and the little shrimps re-hydrated nicely! I liked the noodles, even if they kind of ended up mushy. All in all a nice little snack. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Here’s a Wai Wai commercial – enjoy it.

A vintage classic for ya…


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Singapore, Snapdragon