Tag Archives: uber awesome

#370: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Noodle

Wow – Fuku! Pretty awesome name I think! My sister brought these back from Canada. Let’s try em’ out!

Pretty awesome instructions – I think they’re saying 1 – serve with live, happy jumping prawn, 2 – if you eat it without soup, you will start to hallucinate that music is an entity you can interact with like a meal, and 3 – hoard it and eat it raw like a caveman!  Maybe… At any rate, Fuku is an awesome name!

One single packet of flavoring powder.

Not a whole lot of powder, but had some onion in it I think.

Wow – this stuff is impressive. I know exactly what it reminds me of and now I’m very happy to announce it’s getting 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! This stuff is EXACTLY like Nissin Chikin except it has a little extra powder with it! Originally, my favorite noodles were Nissin ‘Roasted Ramen,’ a product they came out with in the USA when I was a kid. They stopped making it so we hunted for it and they were able to help us out at Uwajimaya in Seattle where they clued my folks in about the Nissin Chikin. This is exactly like that stuff and I’m quite happy. Too bad it requires a trip to Canada to find it! Ack!!! So yeah The name, the back and the noodles and broth altogether are wham bam 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

First, watch this video commercial…

Then watch this – the making of!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Fuku, Hong Kong, Other

Re-Review: Indomie Special Quality Instant Noodles Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor

Okay this is a very special ramenrater review here – if asked what is my favorite meal that is of instant noodles, this would be it. I have been making it and variations on it for years now. Behold the fine Indonesian treat, Indomie’s Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang!!!

Five seasoning packets. Five. This is just awesome. Going clockwise from the top, the reddish packet is a hot and sweet chili sauce called Manas Pedas and next to it is a seasoned oil. Below, one packet is dehydrated vegetables and next to it is the powdered seasoning. Left and finally, we have a ‘seasoning soup,’ a packet added to some hot water and added at the very end.

Before I added the water, here is the veggies living on top of the noodles in the pot.

Clockwise from top: powdered seasoning, seasoned oil, Manas Pedas.

Once the noodles are drained, they are tossed in the bowl and stirred until everything’s blended nicely. Then…

Three fried eggs – so sue me it’s breakfast and I have a splitting headache. This will fix me right up!

Here’s the seasoning soup powder at the bottom of the Burger King Star Trek glass. I added around 1/3 of a cup of water and microwaved for a minute then stirred and added to the bowl. One thing too – I broke the egg yolks open and poured the soup directly over them – THIS IS IMPORTANT! This causes the little bit of broth to be even tastier and awesome!

Finally, I added a couple more things. In Indomie’s other offerings like their Mi Goreng Satay, there is a packet of fried onions to add. I found fried shallot a nice addition for this variety. They’re cheap and you get a ton of it. The Blazing pink stuff next to it is kizami shoga. Basically its pickled ginger that you would see in yakisoba. I like the little bit of cold crunchiness it adds and the light ginger bite.

I really like this. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy cooking it and turning people on to it – it’s simple, exotic and satisfying. Enjoy. A happy 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Truly magnificent! Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia