Tag Archives: vegetable flavor

#905: Tradition Vegetable Flavor Instant Noodle Soup

Not sure, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a green cup of noodles. Oh wait – I think the Mushroom & Chicken Pot Noodles was green… anyways, here’s a green colored, Kosher cup noodle by Tradition.

Side panels (click to enlarge).

The instructional lid.

The noodle block. Has seasoning infused.

Some veggies poking around at the bottom.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added stir-fry veggies and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are pretty darn good – very light and soft. The broth has an interesting vegetable medley kind of taste to it. If you’re looking for something groundbreaking here, you won’t find it – however you will find an a-ok comfortable cup noodle. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 735375603258

I was thinking, what would be a good video for these noodles. Look what I found on YouTube – This is awesome!

Here’s some music for ya – Medeski Martin & Wood.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Canada, Tradition, USA, Vegetable

#475: Gefen Oriental Style Ramen Noodles Vegetable Flavor

Here’s another of the kosher noodles sent to me by Michael M. of Staten Island, NY. This one’s vegetable – kind of a strange flavor. Carrot? Celery? Zucchini? Acorn squash? What kind of vegetable? It has to be something tasty… Well, let’s check it out.

A green leafy vegetable flavor it looks to be according the the packet design. Although the chicken flavor has a packet with a blue chicken on it and chickens aren’t usually blue so my reasoning could be flawed…

Some yellow powdered seasoning.

Added two fried eggs. So Here it is all done. The noodles are decent – about what you’d expect from a domestic pack of instant noodles. The broth is nice – salty and savory. I think this would be just about perfect for a sick day as a comfort food. I liked it – was what I expected. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. One thing to note – the vegetables are not what I expected. The ingredients list onionand shitake mushroom powder, but some of the other spices are awesome – cinnamon, star anise, fenugreek, red chili, cumin and coriander. A very nice collaboration of spices!

Convention footage about Gefen

This is a really awesome documentary – Postville: When Cultures Collide

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Gefen, USA, Vegetable