Tag Archives: vina

#929: Vina Acecook Good Artificial Minced Pork Flavour Bean Vermicelli

Here’s the last of the ones my sister brought me back from Hawaii! Minced pork bean vermicelli… Sounds kind of interesting! A very dark day here – wet, cold and windy.

The back of the packaging (click image to enlarge).

The bean vermicelli block.

The powder seasoning packet.

Interesting flavor… Salty and… Not sure!

Seasoned oil.

Has a nice onion and meat kind of scent – should liven things up…

The veggies! I must say that Vina Acecook usually does pretty good with their veggies.

Here’s the veggie mixture – a decent amount and looks nice.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added some ham that I minced with a little Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce, some onions and some stir fry veggies. The noodles are decent – plentiful and not too hard to break by pursing the lips. Again as always, I recommend using a pair of kitchen scissors on these while still in the pot – just do a few snips and it’ll make a big difference. The broth is good – has a nice comfort food flavor and the veggies are plentiful and interesting. Good pack of bean vermicelli! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934563308117

I really like this – a pretty cool overview of Vina Acecook’s company.

I saw an advert in a magazine yesterday for some enormous fans – some 24 feet across! Thought they were pretty awesome – and then the name – Big Ass Fans! How rad! Anyways, here’s a little video story about Big Ass Fans and what they do. Check out the Big Ass Fans website here!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Pork, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#869: Vina Acecook Good Bean Vermicelli Chicken Flavour

I’ve got to say, this is some of my favorite packaging. I really like the big drumstick in the picture and the old english exclaiming ‘good.’ I hope it’s good! I’d rather it be better than just good, but I think I’ll just wait and see.

The back of the package (click to enlarge).

The bean thread block.

The seasoning powder.

Salty and chinkenny.

The seasoned oil.

Smells good too.

The veggie packet!

Quite an ample supply of vegetable bits.

Finished. Added hard boiled egg, baked chicken, Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Huy Fong Sriracha hot chili sauce. The noodles are, well, pretty good. They break easily when you purse your lips. The broth is good. Has a great chicken flavor. Only issue is that it has a kind of sting to it – wish I had a better word. Not like the bite of a spicy pepper, but different. The veggies were wonderous. All in all I think this was pretty ‘good.’ I think bean thread is growing on me. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934563328115 .

A Vina Acecook video about bean vermicelli.

Chung Kết VietNam Digital DJ Battle 2012 – SBD 27 – Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn (Nguyễn Nhạc)

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#861: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Mi Chay Vegetarian Flavour

This looks like something good. The last one I reviewed wasn’t the best, so hopefully ol’ number 861 will be kinder and gentler.

I am going to say at the outset here that I find it really interesting that twice now I’ve had Vietnamese vegetarian noodles, but there’s no veggie packet. Seems kind of odd! I looked and out of four that I will have done now, only one will have included veggies. Also, this will be the second instant noodle review of the day that will be steeped!

Here’s the back of the packaging. Click to enlarge.

Noodle block – pre-seasoned and crunchy.

The powdered soup base.

This is a seriously light powder. Tried a little taste and kind of got a flavor reminiscent of fettucine flavor Noodle Roni!

Seasoned oil.

I’m gonna figure it’s the black pepper and chilli that are the solid bits.

Finished. Added the rest of my bag of bell pepper and broccoli (that’s what all those little green bits are), a little onion, a two egg omelet with 2 slices of fat free processed cheese, Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are pretty good – although really nothing amazing. The broth is very mellow and subtle. Not bad. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934563163150 .

Vina Acecook TV commercial

Construction Company Limited and Golden Land Real Estate information real estate market and promoting the development potential of Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak Province. The city is planning to become a grade 1 directly under the Central Government in 2015 – 2020.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Vegetable, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#855: Vina Acecook Bestcook Instant Noodles Hot & Sour With Shrimp Flavour

Here’s a new one – sounds good to me – kind of funny having two instants that are ‘hot and sour’ flavored in a row…

The label around the side! Click to enlarge!

Hey – a new fork!

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Slightly granular in nature.

There are two liquid packets.

Dark and thick.

This is a seasoned oil.

Looks interesting…

The veggie and seafood packet.

I must say – I’m quite impressed with the variety here.

Finished. Added some bell pepper, onion, broccoli, odeng (Korean fish cake), hard boiled egg with Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning and a few squirts of Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce. The noodles are thin, tasty and buttery – exceptional. The broth has a nice spicy, sour and tasty flavor. The vegetable/seafood mixture wasn’t bad; I would say it adds more to the broth than as something that stands out on its own. This was really quite good – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars – I’m impressed.  UPC bar code 8934563501167 .

A Vina Acecook promo video.

My lady also finds this to be very amusing as do I

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Seafood, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#796: Vina Acecook Kingcook Vegetable Flavour Kimchi Noodle Soup

Here’s one from Vietnam. My sister found it for me up in Canada earlier this year. Vegetable? Kimchi? Sounds good to me.

The back of the package.

Here’s the noodle block – crunchy.

The seasoning packet – pretty full.

Looks like a melange of seasoning powder and vegetables mixed in.

Finished. Added a fried egg, some kimchi, some Ajishima Kimchi furikake and some Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce. The noodles are okay – not all that great. The broth wasn’t bad for a vegetable flavor, although it was kind of funky nonetheless. It did have a slight spiciness to it that was agreeable. All in all, nothing special here. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8934563704162 .

Here’s a Vina Acecook commercial.

Ramen – rad.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Vegetable, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook