Tag Archives: west coast

#692: Samyang Savory Vegetable Flavor Assorted Vegetable Ramen

Here’s another one from Ramen Place! I’ve tried the cup version which just said 60 Ingredients, but it’s got to be the same thing here, just in a pack. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the package.

Here’s the noodle block – a big one.

Powder seasoning pack.

Lots of angry reddish powder! Grrr!!!

Vegetable pack – good sized too!

Loads of nice looking veggies!

Finished. I added some Bird’s Eye Stir Fry veggies, an egg which I boiled with the noodles, a little pinch of cheese and some Ajishima Kim Chi furikake! So starting with the noodles: chewy and very Korean. A slightly wider gauge than a regular instant noodle and a better quality noodle. The broth is great – a nice vegetable flavor and a good spiciness to it. The veggies were appropriately everywhere and re-hydrated nicely. I liked this one – and then I added all my stuff to it and it was even better! Good stuff – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8801073110168 – get it here.

Samyang commercial

Korean Burger King commercial – pretty bizarre!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, Korea, Samyang, Vegetable

Viral Ramen News – 반반라면 – The ‘Half & Half Ramen Pot!’

The ultra-mega hip happening noodle pot of the future is here!

Actually, not exactly here – this hot new item is in Korea! The ‘Half and Half Noodle Pot’ ( 반반라면 ) is apparently all the buzz on Google. I read an article stating that it’s the most popular search right now – weird, eh? Maybe not – this is a pretty neat little invention!

From reading the Chosun article, the idea is that on one side you’d cook jjangmyeon and the other you’d cook a ramyun soup. Jjangmyeon is more a noodles with sauce on top affair as you can see in the photo. Here’s a link that has a video, although unless you can speak Korean, I’m not sure you’ll understand what’s being said.

I want one of these 반반라면  things! I only see one thing though; if the 반반라면  gets your noodles done, it’s going to be hard to dump the stuff out. Is there going to be a 반반라면  ladle or a 반반라면  serving spoon? I guess it wouldn’t need to be split though, would it? I dunno – looks like an interesting thing and hopefully they’ll be available to all those families that can’t decide which instant noodle to have for dinner!


Filed under * News, Korea

#691: Mamee Express Cup Vegetarian Flavour

Here’s another Mamee my sis brought me back from Canada. Let’s give it a whirl.

Lid detail.

Must say I really like the new camera – this came out pretty swell!

Woo-hoo! A free fork – You pull either end and it extends! Awesome!

The noodle block.

Powdered seasoning.

Very powdery.

Veggies. The fine print is interesting; I wonder what the protective coating is all about?

Looks like a pea and a light smattering of other ingredients.

Finished. First off, the noodles: decent gauge and sturdiness after steeping. The problem here is the flavoring; the broth is funky – I would say this one tastes a bit like Pringles potato chips and that’s all fine and dandy in a chip form, but a liquid Pringle isn’t so great. The vegetables were very few and far between. I might have found more if I was able to eat all of this. Disappointing. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 955502301211.

Mamee TV commercial

About Malaysia

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Malaysia, Mamee, Vegetable

#690: Maruchan Yakisoba Savory Soy Sauce Flavor Homestyle Japanese Noodles

Here’s another one from Ramen Place! Thanks! I think this should be a tasty one – let’s see!

Here’s the bottom of the package.

Here’s what you get after you take off the outer plastic.

Here’s what the noodle block looks like. Broad noodles.

The powder packet.

It gets stirred in after the cooking goes down.

Veggies! Quite a bit of them too!

Looking good!

Finished. I added some Bird’s Eye Stir Fry veggies and a little roast turkey breast lunch meat on the  right. Also tossed in a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger) as well as some Ajishima Kim Chi Furikake. I like the noodles – they did really well for being a microwaved meal component. I added about a sixteenth of a cup of extra water and I think that may have been a good idea to avoid dryness. The sauce is excellent – a very mellow soy sauce kind of flavor. The supplied veggies are good – fresh tasting corn and cabbage going on. I really enjoyed this – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 041789007088 – get it here.

Maruchan TV commercial.

Life in a Japanese ramen shop

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Maruchan, USA

The Ramen Rater Noodle News #8

Here’s another installment of The Ramen Rater Noodle News!
I scour the Internet and find the most interesting stories about instant noodles around! Here you go!
  • Fried Chillies (Malaysia) – Delectable Instant Noodles – Link
  • RocketNews24 (Japan) – McDonald’s Selling ‘Ramen’ In The Most Unlikely of Places. America. – Link
  • AllVoices (USA) – Dismissal Of Noodle Scam Case Worries Complainants – Link
  • The Jakarta Post (Indonesia) – Noodles Remain Top Contributor To Indofood’s Business – Link
  • Lindselicious (USA) – Ramen Crazy! – Link
  • emylogues (?) – Maggi Goreng – Link
  • Arirang (Korea) – Korean Ramen Companies Fined For Price Rigging – Link
  • Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) – Bloggers Use Teletubbies To Evade Chinese Censors – Link
  • Korea Times (Korea) – Cheating On Noodles – Link
  • Stephelle’s Kitchen (?) – Handling Instant Noodles – Link
  • Asian Drama (?) – Lee Min Ho Ate Dozens Of Instant Noodle To Film Rooftop Prince – Link
  • 103.3 WZND Fuzed Radio (USA)  – Spice Up Your Ramen Noodles – Link
  • The Nation (Thailand) – The Plot Thickens – Link
  • AllKPop (Korea) – B2ST releases their ‘Red&Black Project’ for Shin Ramen in Japan – Link


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