Tag Archives: www.ramenplace.com

A Massive Donation From Ramen Place!

I got a comment from a place called Ramen Place asking me to check out their web store. Lots of things I’ve not seen before! So I sent an email off to www.ramenplace.com early this week asking if they’d be up for donating some varieties. I got a resounding and very nice yes! Here’s a big box that came from them – As you can see, it’s dwarfing Otis the Pug!

I’m really excited — what’s underneath the bubbles and paper?

Thank you, Jennifer! I will definitely keep an eye on your website for new varieties! A very generous offer!

I think I’ve only reviewed one of these before and the one that I have reviewed would be a great re-review since it was so good! What’s this? A little box?

Oh wow this is so awesome – I’ve always wanted to get one of these!

How rad – he will just hang out and hold the lid down! Awesome! Thanks again to Jennifer at Ramen Place! Can’t wait to start reviewing these noodles! I recommend everyone have a look at the site!


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