Tag Archives: xo sauce

The Ramen Rater – Included Forks!!! UPDATE!!!

The newest one is at the bottom!

This particular fork came out of a Unif Super Bowl instant noodles. It’s a pretty standard fork (smaller than a table sized plastic fork of course) with four lovely tines. Compared to the bowl of noodles it was designed for it’s sure small.

This one came out of a bowl of Lucky Me! Supreme Sotanghon. I would put this in the category of ridiculous, as it is so short and stubby. With its three broad tines I would think that this fork would be used for violently shoveling the noodles into one’s face and then running away. Strange.

Finally we have the ingenious fork that can be found in the Mama brand bowls and cups as it fits in anything.

As you can see, you just unfold it and then you can hear a little ‘snap’ as it locks into place. The lock is actually quite solid too and one could easily eat with this implement. Only three tines like the stubby though.

Well, there you have it! One thing I really think requires note here is that of all the noodles I’ve reviewed, I’ve seenn fork in plenty of boxes and bowl and cups but never have I seen chopsticks! I find that extremely odd.

UPDATE!! 03/23/2011 – A new one!

So this one was in a bowl of Sunlee Crab flavor noodles. It’s longer and kind of stumpy at the end but has 4 tines! It also says Sunlee on the handle.

UPDATE!! 4/27/2011

This one came from a bowl of Sau Tao Instant Noodle King Beef Flavour noodles. Four tines and nothing really special; I mean, it’s a fork.

UPDATE – 5/15/2011

Yeah here’s another fork. This one came out of a US Canning Fu Chang Noodle Company Pork, Seafood & Noodles Combo bowl. Nasty food, nice little four tined fork.

Update – 5/22/2011

This one came out of the Kamfen XO Sauce Flavoured one I did recently.

Here’s one out of a Vina Acecook Best Cook bowl noodle.

UPDATE 6/13/2011

A new one – came out of a Vifon Mi Lau Thai Thai Style Instant Noodle bowl.

UPDATE: 7/25/2011

A new folding variety in a cup of Baijia Single Noble Pickled Radish and Duck Flavor cup…

Unfurled, this fork has an excellent reach and four magnificent tines.

UPDATE: 08/24/2011

Here’s a new one I found in a Kailo Brand Big Bowl Noodle Instant Noodle Artificial Chicken Flavor!

UPDATE: 8/30/2011

A new folding fork – nice!

Found it in a bowl of Noah Foods Phoya Rice Noodle Soup With Beef Flavor!

UPDATE – 09/07/2011

A nice little four tined number found inside a big bowl sized Dragonfly Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles.

Update 11/02/2011

A transforming fork from a Wai Wai Quick cup!

This fearsome trident of tines will surely harpoon noodles!

UPDATE: 1/12/2012

A four tined fork. This came out of some Fashion Food XO Sauce Flavor Instant Noodles.

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#631: Fashion Food XO Sauce Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s another one that’s been needing a quick review. This was purchased in July of last year in California!

Some side panel stuff – was really hard to get pics of this one.

Open it up and all this stuff inside!@ Included fork!!!

A couple of packets…

Ready for boiling water…

The noodles are lackluster and boring, sad to say. The broth was just funky; like they wanted it to go a certain way but it just wouldn’t cooperate so they ingredient guy said screw it, threw up his hands and said “XO flavor.” Hmm…  1.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8850412371876 .

Completely unrelated noodle advert.

Very weird – apparently ‘fashion food’ is popular…

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Fashion Food, Seafood, Thailand

#393: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles XO Sauce Flavoured

This one looked interesting. I really liked the Nissin Demae Iccho Ramen with XO Sauce, so I thought this would be good too hopefully.

Look! A useful fork! Sauce packet on left, veggies on the right.

I really love it when they don’t include instructions on how to cook the noodles. I decided to attempt to use the packaging to drain them as it looked like that was the idea. Here are the veggies atop the noodle block.

At the end I put the paste on top and stirred and got this. The drainage holes weren’t all that great and so I ended up with a little junk at the bottom. So this wasn’t at all what I expected. It smelled kind of funny when cooking and now upon eating it I don’t know exactly what to think; it’s edible but I can’t really say that I enjoyed it. It’s almost as if I’ve spent too much time pondering it as I eat it… Its kind of greasy and a little bland and the noodles are kind of odd… I’m not sure about this one. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars.

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Hong Kong, Kamfen, Other

#70: Nissin Demae Ramen XO Sauce Seafood Flavor

I figured this’d be a good gamble. Seafood flavor ramen usually isn’t my thing, but what the heck, let’s be adventurous!
Three packets? Luxuriant! I’m used to Nissin holding back on the sachets but not in this one! Was very curious to see how this stuff would taste…

I’m giving this one a 4 out of 5 stars. That’s a pretty impressive rating and here’s why: it has some character. Yes, this stuff really surprised me. It kind of reminded me of a nice butter garlic sauce on some whitefish. But a little tiny bits version in the broth and it wasn’t overly fishy tasting; I was impressed! If you can’t find it at your local Asian market (or there isn’t one local to you), you can find it for sale here.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Nissin, Seafood