Tag Archives: yamamoto

#722: Yamamoto Seafood Flavor Ramen

Some Japanese stuff that’s been waiting for just the right day – and this is it. I may have not translated the title exactly right – a few things mentioned ‘thickening’ and ‘flour,’ so this may be thick seafood ramen.  Anyways, shall we?

Here’s what the distributor’s sticker looks like…

The noodle block awaits some boiling water!

A single seasoning packet – pretty big though!

Here’s the seasoning powder. Very light and a good amount of it.

Finished. Added some stir-fry veggies, narutomaki, Ajishima Kim Chi furikake and some Sushinori. The noodles are good – a little thinner than most in a bowl and just slightly firmer. The broth is nice – salty and has a bit of that ‘of the sea’ flavor going on.  I liked it – good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4979397770024 .

Japanese seafood market

Eskimo Disco 7-111 featuring Pingu

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Seafood, Yamamoto

#661: Yamamoto Ponpoko Tempura Soba

Hey it’s tempura time with the ponpoko! I think if you don’t know about Ponpoko or Tanuku, you should check out this review before reading any further. I’m curious how this soba will be – direct from Japan!

So when I bought the Japanese bowls I’ve been reviewing lately, I went and used the UPC codes on them to identify them – they had literally no English and the label on the bottom was very light on the details. I decided to write on the bottom of a couple the names of them. Well, here’s one of them and with a little Photoshop magic, it’s at least somewhat readable!

One single packet of seasoning!

Here’s the seasoning atop the noodle block – buckwheat noodles!

Here’s the tempura disc – should be good! Haven’t had bad tempura yet.

Here’s the finished product! I added one fried egg with a dash of pepper, a little kizami shoga (pickled ginger), a little sliced turkey breast and some sushi nori (seaweed). First off, the noodles are wonderful – they are of a very nice quality and very tasty. The broth is equally if not more enjoyable with a slightly sweet taste that is uber slurpable. The tempura adds a tasty crunch to everything! All said and done, this was very nice to eat – I loved it. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars – worth finding! 4979397370026 .

This is awesome – didn’t expect to find a local video about this, but this is close to where I grew up!

The Y3K kit from 12 years ago…


Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Yamamoto

#646: Yamamoto Shoyu Flavor Ramen

Today seemed like a good day for as fancy Japanese bowl of noodles.

Here’s what was on the bottom of the bowl…

Here’s what was on the side of the bowl! Click to enlarge – like all images!

One single packet – I somehow expected multiple packets.

A lot of interesting stuff in the packet.

I thought it’d be good in a regular bowl. I added two fried eggs, some Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, some Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger), some fried shallot and a little ham. Wow – this is good stuff! Shoyu is soy sauce, by the way. The noodles are pretty decent. The broth is nice and tasty – lots of flavor. The veggies were very ample and enjoyable. I loved it! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 4979397770017 .

How to make shoyu ramen

I don’t like anything to be floating around me in the tub.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Yamamoto