Tag Archives: yellow

#815: Chencun Stewde Chicken Of Mushroom

See? it really says it right there – stewde chicken of mushroom! I think this has to be one of my favorite misspellings yet! My sister brought me this back from Canada earlier this year. Let’s have a look!

Side panels.

A folding fork! See more of ’em on the Included Forks page!

The noodle block. A large clump of rice noodles. I’m curious if they’ll be stiff and chewy of nice and free-flowing of edibility.

Powder seasoning.

Interesting – has a slightly granular appearance.

The liquid packet.

Looks like a seasoned oil that’s congealed a bit.

Veggie packet.

Looks like a light smattering to me.

Finished. UPC bar code 6911754103395 . Despite steeping for about five minutes, the noodles didn’t seem to completely get all the way done – at least in patches. Those that did get done were soft and enjoyable. The parts that didn’t weren’t hard or anything, they were just not all the way done. The broth has a sort of chicken mushroom taste to it and a surprising thickness as well. The liquid packet is prevalent in the greasiness here. The veggies weren’t bad but more is always preferable. All in all, it is about as I expected; a passable mushroom of chicken – I mean chicken of mushroom… I don’t know but it tasted like a chicken mushroom with wide rice noodles kind of thing to be. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.

Chicken of the woods eh?

Bizarre Lingzhi mushroom found from 80+ meter deep well


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chencun, Chicken, China, Other

#483: Itomen Yellow Buckwheat Ramen Bowl

This one was a puzzzle – the only things in english on the packaging wwas a website called itomen.co.jp. I sent out a call for help in identifying this one and got help from a reader named Eric Z. from Parkland, FL! He scanned the barcode on the image and found it on Google! Not too shabby! Thanks again! Now let’s open this one up and see what’s inside.

On the left is a packet of dry seasoning and veggies, on the right, a bunch of little bits of who knows what. Upon opening the packet on the right, I figured out it was bits of tempura.

Awaiting the boiling water. I set the tempura pearls aside as they’d get real soggy while the noodles cooked.

Added two fried eggs and sprinkled all the tempura on at the end. The broth is very tasty – the tempura was crunchy for a short time and then made the broth stewlike. The noodles were excellent and delicious. The eggs tied everything together. I loved this one – super good! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars!

Not sure if it relates, but here’s how Okinawa soba noodles are made.

I think I need one of these…

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Itomen, Japan, Other

Not Noodles

So when I’m not eating instant noodles, I eat other things. Here’s one of them. A can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodles soup with some dehydrated onion and a spoonful of Mae Ploy yellow curry and a few dozen grains of rice in there. Pretty awesome stuff.

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Filed under * News

#282: Doll Instant Noodle Pickled Vegetable Flavour

So we went to 99 Ranch Market yesterday and turns out there were two more kinds of Doll instant noodles they had that I’ve not tried! So here’s the first, pickled vegetable.

Left packet contains powdered flavorings and the right has a thick paste.

So yeah that paste looks a little nasty, but I have found that Doll’s stuff is really good – the Won Ton Shrimp flavour was absolutly stunning.

Two fried eggs and bam! First, I’d like to say that when the noodles are done, they always look very nice – not bleached white but a nice warm rich wheaten yellow color. They are excellent as far as texture and flavor go too.  The broth was perfect – not strong but not weak. It was just right. I added the two fried eggs and all together this was a fantastic bowl of noodles for a early evening nosh while studying for a computer tech certification. Bravo, Doll! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, China, Doll, Vegetable