Tag Archives: zero

#935: Maruchan Instant Lunch Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables

Instantaneous Lunch? Nope – three minutes. But if you’re too impatient for that, I suppose one could eat it raw. I prefer the cooked version myself!


The information panel from the cardboard outer (click to enlarge).

The iconic cup itself.

So I wrote an article about how one shouldn’t blame the cup when spilling their noodles. Here’s the article and in the image above you can clearly see you’ve been warned – don’t microwave it and watch out for the ninos!

The lid on the cup (click image to enlarge). Notice it tells you to heat water in a seperate container in the microwave – don’t put the whole thing in there.

The noodle block. The seasoning is infused – note the powder on the noodles.

A scant few of the veggies – there were more in the bottom of the cup.

Finished (Click image to enlarge). Added fresh sweet onion, stir-fry veggies, thinly sliced ham, one egg, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Cooked the noodles as specified, sampled, fried everything in a pan. Added Dua Belibis Indonesian chili sauce at the end. The noodles aren’t bad – about what you would expect from a cup of noodles. I’ve had much better, but I’ve had many that don’t come close to this one’s quality. The beef flavoring is pretty good – tasty. The veggies hydrated well; most notably the corn was good. A nice cup of noodles! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 041789001222 – get it here.

Hunting down a small child with some noodles – works every time!

S recipe involving Maruchan Yakisoba noodles


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#293: Tiger Brand Food Onion Flaver/Flavor Bowl Rice Noodles

So spellcheck wasn’t working the day you made the lid for this stuff was it folks? No matter – I will be forgiving on that note as I review a bowl of noodles that claims to have onion flavor – and I really like onions so this should be awesome!

Interesting – a veggie pack and an oil pack. The veggie pack was simply a ton of green onions and the oil pack was thick and lots of both.

Whoa… The noodles are in a little bird’s nest – I always like that.

Oh wow this isn’t fun for me. Noodles are those extremely this angel hairs – literally like hair. It’s really not my thing. Also, its not the kind of rice noodle I like at all – its not chewy; its almost mushy . Noodles don’t get my approval. So hopefully the broth is good and makes everything come together…

Not so mcuh. The broth has a nice flavor, but it is definitely overshadowed by the oil. Very greasy and gross. The Onions themselves aren’t great in it either.

Here’s what I say about this stuff – YUCK. I’m going to say that I used to have a good length beard and from time to time I would wake up and it would be in my mouth. That’s what these noodles were like. Eating these noodles was like eating your own hair with some vegetable oil and onions mixed in.. I’m giving it a 0.0 out of 5.0 stars. That’s right folks – the big zero zip zilch. I think I’ve only given one other instant noodle that rating and it was a long long time ago.

Here’s a Taiwanese advert for Good Good Eat.

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Filed under * Stars 0-1.0, China, Taiwan, Tiger Brand Food, Vegetable

#161: Paldo Green Tea Chlorella Noodles

Green tea noodles? Cool – something unique right? Hmmm… When I opened the package I was greeted with the odor of green tea. Yup – the noodles are infused with green tea powder and the odor is very strong.

Two packets – dry soup base and vegetables.

The veggies looked very nice however the powder had a bit of an off odor to it.

Final product. I wish the photo showed how green this stuff is. Very strange. Honestly I found this to be some of the worst noodles ever. While It has the amazing power of green tea, the wretched aroma and flavor is enough to make me wretch. I am going to give it 0.0 stars out of 5.0 stars. Sorry Paldo but I really don’t like this one. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 0-1.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult