#541: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour

Here’s another of the Yum Yum’s that were sent from Holland! Chicken flavor eh? I like chicken as well as chickens!

A dual packet with dry powder seasoning and chicli powder and a packet of vegetable oil. I’m sure you could’ve just read that though.

Top left is the oil, on the right is the powder seasoning and lower left is chili powder. This is another of the new bowls I got yesterday!

All done with a couple fried eggs. I really liked the noodles – very light and kind of thin. Not super thin – just a slight bit thinner than something like Maruchan or Top Ramen. The broth was fine – a nice chicken flavor with a little bit of zest to it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

A Yum Yum commercial!

A news spot from 1993 on CBC about this crazy new thing people are into called the Internet!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Thailand, Yum Yum

10 responses to “#541: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour

  1. Eric Z.

    Hey, digging the new bowls! They are kinda neat with the chinese (japanese?) letters on em and the design on the bottom. I like little things like that, it makes it more interesting. Im telling you though, you gotta get a pair of chopsticks for the full authentic effect! :P..I think its awesome how in japan you can just take your bowl and slurp your broth. My dad said apparently belching is also customary, as a sign to show you were satisfied after a meal.

  2. Nicolas

    Hi Hans, cant you get these in Germany? I heard germans eat allot of yumyum? I don’t speak german so i can’t search but i’d really be interested to know for my studies food habits.

  3. MJ

    I just had these noodles. I have a a habit of checking your blog to see of what you might think of it.
    To me this tastes like MAMA’s Oriental noodles but probably a bit less of the spices.

  4. F.

    This is my favorite Yum Yum flavor. Thanks for the review!

  5. PAtrick

    Who Manufacturers these? And can I find them in the USA?

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