#599: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Extra Hot Chili Flavor

Pancit Canton! Ahhh this stuff is so good! It’s a lot like Indomie’s Mi Goreng but a little sweeter. Anyways, Let’s give their extra hot chili flavor a try!

Here’s the back panel of the packaging. Note that Lucky Me! is a subsidiary of Nissin.

On the left we have a double packet of seasoned oil and a liquid sauce of some type.

Here are the noodles before the boil. This is a very small block – the package is only 2.12 ounces – on the small side.

The oil, powder and liquid come together like an artist’s palette of earthy tones.

Finished. Runny yolk fried eggs on top with a little Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, black pepper and fried shallot garnish. So there was some heat here – not too strong as it was offset by a little sweetness. The noodles were good – slightly chewy and a little sticky. A good quick snack unless you add the eggs to bring it up to meal mode. Very good! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! They have the hot chili and lime one here.

Pretty good commercial.

Open wide, America! Signs of things to come..


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Lucky Me!, Other, Philippines

3 responses to “#599: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Extra Hot Chili Flavor

  1. I really really love this flavor it make me very full.

  2. Minz

    My parents bought some of this stuff cuz apparently it’s the pancit they’d get in the Philippines. This stuff is really good! I decided to make it into a soup and it was still really tasty!

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