Category Archives: Kamfen

#942: Kamfen Lobster Soup Flavor E-Men Noodles

While scouring local Asian markets for varieties I hadn’t yet reviewed, I came upon these. They’re chinese and in a really big package!

Here’s the back of the package (clkick image to enlarge). Nowhere does it say how much water to use. When I made this in the past I used very little and treated it as a stir noodle.

The noodles are very wide and in their own cellophane package.

A single seasoning packet.

Has an interesting flavor – buttery along with slight seafood.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added stir fry veggies, sweet onion, kamaboko, narutomaki and a little Urashima Sesame and Salt furikake. The noodles are pretty good – flat and broad. The flavoring? It works – these end up being very mello noodles. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars – pretty good. UPC bar code 6920363401839 .

A speaker factory in Shenzhen where these noodles are made.

A trip to a French museum with old videocamera – pretty amazing!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Seafood

#931: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Soya Bean Paste Flavored

Here’s another of these neat trays. This one’s soybean paste flavored. Interesting again how they use upper and lower case all willy-nilly.

Here’s a scan of the bottom of the box (click image to enlarge).

There were two stickers on the bottom of the box (click to enlarge).

Weird – again two little copies of the instructions are inside (click image to enlarge).

An included fork!

Thin, broad noodles – their color is interesting too!

Soybean paste packet!

Has a nice smell – tasty too!


Looks like corn and onions and greenery.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added stir fry veggies, sweet onion, turkey with a little Texas Pete hot sauce and a little Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are good – very enjopyable consistency and lots of them – broad and thin. The flavoring is great – salty and full of flavor – that Chinese spiced taste of anise and ginger is prevalent. The veggies were okay too. I think I like this one almost as much as the minced pork variety – 3.75  out of 5.0 stars !UPC bar code 6920363402225 .

Video of Shenzhen (where these noodles come from)

The Shenzhen Smartphone Market – you must watch this.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Other

#928: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Artificial Spicy Pork Flavored

Here’s one I got the other day at 99 Ranch Market. Was hoping they had a few more varieties, but they had two – two closer to the #1000th review! I’m not going to stop, just can’t wait to hit it! I think this one would win the prize for interesting use of upper and lower case characters.

Here’s a scan of the bottom (click to enlarge).

Here are the export stickers (click to enlarge).

Here are the instructions on how to make this (click to enlarge). Going to add the mustard stem at the end as they’re not dehydrated.

An included fork!

The noodles look interesting enough.

Sauce eh?

A paste.

Hey – its mustard stem!

Yeah these don’t look dehydrated – I think I’ll add them at the end.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some sweet onions, Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake, ham and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are kind of like slightly underdone egg noodles, but I don’t think they are at all. Plus, they’re really good – broad and thin. The flavor is quite nice – a little spicy and a nice Chinese pork flavor. The mustard stem goes with it quite well. I like this stuff – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 6920363402218 .

An old Sesame Street clip about how Chinese noodles are made.

I couldn’t find anything but thisw video about a really off pot/wok/frying pan.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Pork

Indigestion: Reader’s Digest Article Way Off The Mark

This was found, given to my sister and passed along to me. This is from a Reader’s Digest. I haven’t seen the Lucky Peach yet but boy is this stuff screwed up. I really liked how Nong Shim was just a Californian company – no mention of the fact that it’s Korean.  The Myojo Chukazanmai is a line of noodles by Myojo and has such an array of types (some are even to be served cold) that this broad review makes no sense. I think everyone knows how I feel about the GreeNoodle – try and try again I find them detestable. The Kamfen was the kicker for me though. Which one was reviewed? There’s a ton of varieties… Finally the article’s name kind of peeves me, but at least someone might go ahead and see f people review instant noodles online. The kicker? Not any mentions of anything from Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Shameful!


Filed under * News, GreeNoodle, Kamfen, Myojo, Nong Shim

#486: Kamfen Japanese U-Don Noodles Lobster & Scallop Soup Flavor

So here’s the first Kamfen fresh udon I’ve tried.  So something new for today!

Left is a powdered soup base and on the right is a seriously funky looking seasoned oil.

The powder seasoning had one serious reek to it when I put it on the bowl and the seasoned oil looked really nasty… But I trudged on!

The horrible smell of the powder seasoning was quickly replaced by a nice smell of cooked soup and noodles once i was done. The noodles are nice and chewy and all in all enjoyable. The broth was good too – a nice flavor and not extremely too much or too little flavor, but it was light. I liked it – 3.0 out of 5.0 stars.

This is what I found when I searched for ‘Kamfen TVC’ on Youtube.

Thai 7-11 Commercial


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, China, Hong Kong, Kamfen, Seafood