Category Archives: Mamee

#778: Mamee Express Cup Curry Flavour

Here’s a little curry cup from Mamee. My sis brought it back to me from Canada earlier this year.

Here’s the side panel – excuse the snipping!

The lid.


The solitary packet.

Hooray for curry! Smells good.

Finished. Added some onion and a little Daesang Gochujang. The noodles are pretty bad. The curry flavoring was pretty good in the broth, although it left me wanting more – much more. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 9555022301228 .

Mamee TV commercial.

That looks like a long fall – kids, don’t try this at home

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Malaysia, Mamee, Other

#743: Mamee Express Cup Tom Yum Flavour

Here’s one my sis got me in the Vancouver, BC area. Tom Yum’s usually something I like – let’s see!

The distributor’s sticker.

Here’s the lid and it’s info.

Side panel.

The noodle block did not want to come out of the cup! The cup by the way is plastic and the lid is made of foil.

Powder seasoning packet.

…and its contents.

Seasoned oil.

If you’re wondering, what I do is put a little hot water in the little cup and swish it around so I can get the seasoned oil out after the photograph.

Finished. Added a little Huy Fong Sriracha on top. I’m pleasantly surprised! The noodles aren’t bad – better than expected. Tom Yum is usually a spicy, citrussy flavor. They got it right! This is a decent cup! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 9555022301235 .

Hey cool – the Malasian noodle festival!

Hey this sounds good! Check it out!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Malaysia, Mamee, Seafood

#691: Mamee Express Cup Vegetarian Flavour

Here’s another Mamee my sis brought me back from Canada. Let’s give it a whirl.

Lid detail.

Must say I really like the new camera – this came out pretty swell!

Woo-hoo! A free fork – You pull either end and it extends! Awesome!

The noodle block.

Powdered seasoning.

Very powdery.

Veggies. The fine print is interesting; I wonder what the protective coating is all about?

Looks like a pea and a light smattering of other ingredients.

Finished. First off, the noodles: decent gauge and sturdiness after steeping. The problem here is the flavoring; the broth is funky – I would say this one tastes a bit like Pringles potato chips and that’s all fine and dandy in a chip form, but a liquid Pringle isn’t so great. The vegetables were very few and far between. I might have found more if I was able to eat all of this. Disappointing. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 955502301211.

Mamee TV commercial

About Malaysia

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Malaysia, Mamee, Vegetable

#679: Mamee Express Cup Fried Onion Chicken Flavour

Here’s another one my sister got me for my birthday! Here’s a brand I’ve never seen before – Mamee. It’s from Malaysia! Let’s have a look!

Here’s the info on the distributor’s sticker.

Here’s the side…

…and the top info.

This is the coolest fork ever – you pull it apart and it clicks!

See? Rad!

Powder seasoning packet.

Seasoned oil.

Here’s everything awaiting the boiling water.

Finished. Let’s see… The noodles are indeed plentiful – and not too shabby. The broth is chickenish – not too bad. The veggies are passable. This isn’t anything really to write home about, then again it isn’t a bad cup of noodles. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 9555022301242 .

Slrrrp Curry!

Malaysian Mamee commercial

Or was it from Myanmar?


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Malaysia, Mamee