Category Archives: Souper Brand

#817: Souper Shrimp Flavor Bowl Ramen

Got this one at a grocery store in Livermore, California called Nob Hill. Pretty rare these days that I find something I haven’t tried in a grocery store!

Detail from lid.

It looks like a noodle burger!

Powdered seasonings.

Wasn’t a huge packet by any means.

Interesting – re-branded Wei Lih bowl perhaps.

Seasoned oil.

Finished. I added some veggies, a couple fried eggs, some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are a little on the thin side and slightly crumbly, but not bad. The broth is very nice – in the comfort food realm I would say – a nice tasty and a little oily melange. This is pretty good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074601025649 .

San Francisco Veggie Bean huh?

This is a video I made of our drive home from California to the Seattle area. I took a ton of short videos with my digitaol camera and when the battery died I used my cell phone. I then put them in order, added some music and titles in Live Movie Maker, sent to YouTube and used their stabilization filter. Yay!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Souper Brand, Taiwan, Wei Lih

#413: Souper Brand Japanese Style Alimentary Paste Chow-Mein With Soup Stock

So we were in the Asian grocery today and looking around on the fresh noodle aisle. I’ve done all the varieties they had of the Myojo Udon in the past, but there’s quite a few here I haven’t done before too, so here we go!

Underneath, the noodles. Above, the seasoning packet. So this stuff is a different deal – you put a little oil into a pan, fry up the noodles for about three minutes and then throw in the seasoning and cook for maybe another minute and voila!

The package recommended adding veggies and meats, but I wanted to see how it fared on its own (plus I didn’t have the time to do either veggies nor meats). So this stuff is awesome – much like Sapporo Ichiban’s Chi Mein except it doesn’t have the little powder seaweed (green laver) packet. I liked this stuff a lot! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! It was truly SOUPER!

Couldn’t find anything chow mein commercial other than this…

Gordon Ramsay making Dim Sum! AWESOME!!!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Other, Souper Brand