Category Archives: Wei Lih

Re-Review: Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Instant Noodles With Fried Soybeans Paste

Went to the 99 Ranch Market near us a few weeks ago and my son Andy picked this as something he would like to try. Well, today is the day to try it out! The first time I tried this one, I made it completely wrong. Here it is in review #68! Not good!

Back of the package (click to enlarge). Check out the instructions – this isn’t a single bowl of noodles, but rather a bowl of broth and a bowl of noodles that are enjoyed separately.

The noodle block.

The smaller packet, which seasons the broth.

Not a whole lot in this one.

The soybean paste which will coat the noodles.

This makes the noodles end up kind of like Jjajangmen but this is a Taiwanese version.

Here, Andy shows the proper technique: eat some noodles, slurp some soup!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Excellent! The noodles are nice – kind of stick together but that’s not a bad thing really. They have a slightly spicy and salty taste that is really nice. The broth cools the heat (Andy noticed that right away) and has a nice rich flavor. Good stuff – if you haven’t tried it, this is something unique people have really enjoyed. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars!  UPC bar code 4710199050484 .

Here’s a Wei Lih commercial!

The paste is also quite popular on its own – get it here.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, Taiwan, Wei Lih

#817: Souper Shrimp Flavor Bowl Ramen

Got this one at a grocery store in Livermore, California called Nob Hill. Pretty rare these days that I find something I haven’t tried in a grocery store!

Detail from lid.

It looks like a noodle burger!

Powdered seasonings.

Wasn’t a huge packet by any means.

Interesting – re-branded Wei Lih bowl perhaps.

Seasoned oil.

Finished. I added some veggies, a couple fried eggs, some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are a little on the thin side and slightly crumbly, but not bad. The broth is very nice – in the comfort food realm I would say – a nice tasty and a little oily melange. This is pretty good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074601025649 .

San Francisco Veggie Bean huh?

This is a video I made of our drive home from California to the Seattle area. I took a ton of short videos with my digitaol camera and when the battery died I used my cell phone. I then put them in order, added some music and titles in Live Movie Maker, sent to YouTube and used their stabilization filter. Yay!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Souper Brand, Taiwan, Wei Lih

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time

A couple of days ago, I received an email from a man who was angry. He was angry that the instant noodles he bought said that they were spicy Chicken flavor but weren’t spicy whatsoever and that I needed to change the seasonings ASAP. Every once in a while, I get a comment or email from someone who thinks that I make instant noodles or am affiliated with an instant noodle company. I decided to reply and do a review of the product he had problems with, adding some hot spices, sauces and peppers from around the world to really heat it up. It then occurred to me that a lot of people really like spicy instant noodles and that there’s really no list of the hottest ones out there. I figured I’d better do something about that, and so here’s the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time!

#10: Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles Spicy Black Pepper Flavour – Singapore
If you like black pepper, you’ll want to try this. It has a nice peppery sauce that has a rich and deep black pepper flavor that doesn’t quit. The garnish of dried veggies are an added bonus. Original review

#9: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Hot Chili Flavor – Taiwan
Has decent noodles and a deep red broth that exclaims ‘beware of fire!’ The broth also has an oily texture and sweet notes that make it quite unique in its fire. Original review

#8: Paldo (Korea Yakult) Kko Kko Myun – South Korea
The result of a comedian on a competition TV show in South Korea, Kko Kko Myun has been a huge craze. The flavor is a jalapeno chicken – and the jalapeno is nice and strong. Has a real good bite to it. Original review

#7: FoodMon DJ-DOC Jjolmyeon – South Korea
DJ-Doc is a hip-hop group in South Korea and they must be pretty happy to have their faces on this stuff. In this bowl, you have noodles, large pieces which are rice cake and a red sauce which has a wonderful heat and flavor. It all ties together to be like a hot and spicy lasagna ala South Korea. Wonderful stuff! Original review

#6: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Spicy Hot Beef Flavour – China
A very spicy Chinese noodle soup. Notice its not spicy beef, it’s spicy hot beef! Has decent veggies and a serious punch! Original review

#5: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup – USA
Yep – they make this is the USA now. A standard of the spicy noodle world! Hot and tasty with lots of thick noodles. Original review

#4: Namchow Mee Jang Noodle Soup Sour Spicy Chicken (Tom Yum) – Thailand
The packaging looks pretty tame but this stuff is anything but. The broth is enough to blow your head off – wow! Original review

#3: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun – South Korea
This is hot and unique. Based on pork broth and has some niceties like black sesame seeds and peanut powder. Has a strong heat but it’s got some really great taste to it – this is awesome stuff! Original review

#2: Indomie Curly Noodle With Chicken & Chilli Paddi – Indonesia
Sweet mother – this is intense! That little pepper (also known as a Bird’s Eye pepper) was enough to burn my lips, mouth and gut for a good long time! Heavy duty! I should also mention there’s a place that sells spicy noodles in Jakarta that has 75 to 100 of these peppers mixed in – Imagination fails me as to the scorching pain! Original review

#1: Paldo Teumsae Instant Noodles With Soup – South Korea
Hands down, bar non, this is the hottest stuff I’ve had. In over 800 varieties I’ve tried, this is the very hottest. From the first slurp to the end of the bowl, my mouth was on fire. If you are a big fan of all that is spicy, this is what you are looking for. Original review

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Filed under * News, China, FoodMon, Indomie, Indonesia, JML (Jinmailang Food Co. Ltd.), Koka, Korea, Namchow, Nong Shim, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Wei Lih

#741: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Vegetable Flavor

Here’s another one from Michelle L. of Tarrytown, New York. I think this is the third and final flavor of the Good Good Eats – at least insofar as I’ve not seen any more anywhere. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the packaging. Gotta love the lack of instructions! I’m going to go with 400cc of boiling water.

The noodle block.

Powdered seaoning.

Looks kinda sparkly!

Paste soup base.

Yep – this is a thick soup paste!

Finished. Added a little bit of my veggie mix and a little Fresno pepper, some pickled ginger and some Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles came out wonderfully – a nice level of firmness and the paste had oil in it which made them a little greasy but enjoyably so. The broth and all around flavor wasn’t the best. It has a kind of wilted vegetable flavor – like mushroom and mushy celery. Kind of surprised me while looking at the ingredients. This is a weird one; love the noodles, really dislike the flavor. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074410727895 .

I really want to learn how to do this some day!

Taiwanese Pop music compilation from 1979 to 1990


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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wei Lih

#603: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Hot Chili Flavor

Here’s another from Michelle L. of New York.  I have a feeling it’s going to be good as well as spicy!

Here’s the back of the packaging…

Two seasoning packets – the liquid one looks scary – very hot possibly! The onle on the right feels to be powdery.

The powder on the left looks a little wet – it’s cos I just took the bowl out of the dishwasher. I gotsta remember to dry them completely before the pictures – my bad.

Whoa – check this stuff out ! Added a couple fried eggs. So it’s interesting. First, the noodles are very nice and plump and tasty. The broth is very thick, greasy and hot as well as a sweet tasting wonderful thing. I am quite surprised to be saying this as I usually abhor really greasy broth – but this works really well. Not a lot of veggie here but what there was was good. Niceness! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars!

This is a really neat video of Taiwan.

Good good eat!


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, Taiwan, Wei Lih